Phil M. Jones Quotes
Best 29 Quotes by Phil M. Jones
Exactly What to Say Quotes
“Action and accountability drive results, and this has led me to understand that people take action in only two areas of their lives:
1. The things they enjoy doing.
2. The things they are checked on.”
“Before you make your mind up, why don’t we just run through the details one more time so you can know what it is that you are saying no to?”
“For something to exist in your future, without accident and by design, you must first imagine that scenario and enjoy the fruits of your labor, even if only hypothetically and just for a moment.”
“Get comfortable being uncomfortable.”
“If I can match that price for you, then would you be happy?”
“If you give me a chance in the role, then I am confident you will thank me later.”
“If you have a BIG idea, then it is your responsibility to move forward with it. Nobody else has to do the work, nobody else needs to believe in you, and nobody else will be the benefactor of your success more than you will be.”
“If you review the history of sports, you will find many stories showing that to be a winner you have to feel like a winner — and that success breeds success.”
“If you spent as much effort building on your successes as you did fueling your failures, imagine the difference it would make.”
“Just out of curiosity, what is it specifically you need some time to think about?”
“Just out of curiosity, what is it that’s stopping you from moving forward with this right now?”
“Laser-focused vision on what you truly want to achieve is essential to prevent future distractions and confirm viability of the idea.”
“Magic Words are sets of words that talk straight to the subconscious brain. The subconscious brain is a powerful tool in decision-making because it is preprogrammed through our conditioning to make decisions without overanalyzing them.”
“Many things in our lives we cannot change, but how we think about those things is always in our complete control.”
“Please remind yourself all of the impossible feats you have already conquered.”
“Start with an end in mind and identify exactly what you want to achieve.”
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“A different result requires doing something different.”
“Taking the positive step of turning your problems into challenges and your limiting beliefs into puzzles, you very quickly create a natural road map of progressive steps.”
“The good news is you already know that what you are doing now is not working, so what is the harm in trying this?”
“The moment you document just how many challenges you have overcome in the past, you will realize that you have a rich history of overcoming adversity and the task at hand starts to feel a lot more doable. So craft your list, document your successes, and be kind to yourself in the process.”
“The real world tells us that people will work far harder to avoid a potential loss than they will to achieve a potential gain. Greater than that is the fact that the more contrast you can create between where somebody does not want to be and where they hope to be, the more likely you are to get people to move.”
“The second you start thinking differently about your obstacles, you empower movement in your actions, and this movement results in opportunities being realized.”
“There are two types of people in this world: those who resist change in favor of nostalgia and those who move with the times and create a better future.”
“There was once a time in your life where tasks like walking, tying your shoelaces, and cursive writing all seemed impossible. Since that time, your own successes have been plentiful and week in, week out, you have been cataloging victories — often forgetting to even notice what you succeed at.”
“Too many people spend all their energy working toward what they would 'like to do', when the real question should be 'Who do you want to help?'”
“What questions do you have for me?”
“Working toward a clear model is an essential step that, if you fail to give attention to it, could have you starting a venture that is destined to fail before you even start.”
“You cannot learn the power of simplicity until you tackle the complications of reality.”
“You have the choice to see a roadblock as a dead end or a diversion.”
“You wouldn’t happen to know... (This throws down a challenge, which makes people want to prove you wrong.) ... just one person... (Just one, because it’s reasonable and seems a simple ask, and they’re more likely to think of someone by name.) ... someone who, just like you... (This has the person narrowing down the options and gives you more of the right prospects, plus it pays a subtle compliment.) ... would benefit from... (And then emphasize the specific benefit or positive experience they have just thanked you for.)
Then shut up! People say thank you when they feel they owe you something.”
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“You can’t choose your family members. But you can choose your friends. And if you choose the right way, your friends can become as close to you as any family member. So choose wisely.”