Pook Quotes

Best 30 Quotes by Pook

The Book of Pook Quotes

“A woman would rather be with a male, no matter how tyrannical, over an androgynous, no matter how nice.”

The Book of Pook

“A woman’s fantasy is that her beauty and charm will ensnare great men, the politicians, the lawyers, the firemen, the doctors – in other words, winning the men who can have any woman.

A man’s fantasy is that his will and strength can overcome any obstacle heroically.”

The Book of Pook

“Career success isn’t a guarantee to get you women.”

The Book of Pook

“Charm is treating women like little girls.”

The Book of Pook

“Courage is the essence of masculinity.”

The Book of Pook

“Feminine males do not get laid.”

The Book of Pook

“If you do not control the way how you think, someone else will!”

The Book of Pook

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“It all comes down to this choice: live your dreams or live other people’s dreams.”

The Book of Pook

“It is not so much that the truth of women hurts (the shock is recovered with success).

No, the lies we have all believed – they leave the scar.”

The Book of Pook

“Masculinity is uninfluenced by his environments, physically and socially, while femininity is influenced completely by the environment, physically and socially.”

The Book of Pook

“Opportunity will not knock; therefore, make the door.

For the beauty of successful people is that they do what unsuccessful people dare not to do.”

The Book of Pook

“Perfect is boring!

Take any politician. What do they try to do? They try to be perfect.

They speak as if you are a four year old, using focus group sayings and generalizations.

The result is that every politician gets viewed as the same: boring.”

The Book of Pook

“Remember, the first Feminist was Adam who didn’t have the spine to tell Eve, 'NO!'

Masculinity must be secured and nourished or all civilization falls.”

The Book of Pook

“Take any civilization and look at its collapse.

Masculinity is always in retreat at the latter stages.”

The Book of Pook

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is this: the former invests his time while the latter spends his time.”

The Book of Pook

“The fault is not in the women but in ourselves that we have failed to be men.

For if you always think the way you are, you will always do the things you did.

Thus, change comes with how you think.”

The Book of Pook

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“Government is not the controller, they are the enforcer.”

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“The hardest lesson to realize is that we are the creator and mastermind of our failure.

Your competition is yourself.

When you can conquer yourself, you can conquer everything.”

The Book of Pook

“The man who can be relied on in a crisis, who usually puts himself into danger helping others, this is the ideal man.”

The Book of Pook

“The married Nice Guy faces the hardest consequences.

By failing to be a man, you become not a father but a substitute mother.

No wonder divorces are widespread and constant! No wonder lesbianism is on the increase!

If males act feminine, then what are women to respond to?”

The Book of Pook

“The Nice Guy’s proper name should be Soft Male.

Molded by convention, sculpted by reaction, altered by fear, the Soft Male’s destiny is to crash and burn repeatedly until someone he likes does like him back.

If she does not flee, if she is as desperate as he is, then they unite.”

The Book of Pook

“The only dreams that are impossible are the ones that are not pursued.”

The Book of Pook

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“There is a reason why women have a fantasy of being in a crowded room and a guy locking eye contact with them.

Is it eye contact? No, it is his desire for her.

She loves being desired. Oh heavens, it makes her feel like a woman.”

The Book of Pook

“Think 'She wants to be with me', rather than 'I want to be with her'.

Imagine girls are gravitating towards you in every way.

Assume that she is interested in you. If she is not, assume that she will be.”

The Book of Pook

“Those that focus on the girl lose focus on the fun and, thus, lose the girl.”

The Book of Pook

“What every skinny guy should know…

Rather than work hard to get one woman, why not work hard on yourself and get all the women?

I don’t work hard to get women, I work hard on my dreams which gets the women automatically.”

The Book of Pook

“What I’ve learned… Demand respect!

Women will not stay with guys they don’t respect, and you wouldn’t want to be with a woman that didn’t respect you anyway.”

The Book of Pook

“Why does the Nice Guy stay mediocre?

Because he is told that ‘someone will love him for how he is’.

How destructive is this statement! What an obstacle it is to success!

For it makes it seem that all values are relative, and, thus, making him blind to his mediocrity.”

The Book of Pook

“Women are more attracted to imagination than to power.

They are only attracted to power in a survival way.

They may marry the politician but will sleep with the artist down the road.”

The Book of Pook

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Women do not merely marry the man but the man’s career, the man’s fame, and the man’s success; she adopts his name as she adopts his ego, his property of life.”

The Book of Pook

“Women love status!”

The Book of Pook

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“Dire as the situation may be, there is some hope. Genuine hope, not the hope that is found in presidential speeches and pablum. Hope that is practical, real, and will yield results. However, this hope comes from the only place real hope can come from – within – which means we have to focus on ourselves and what is within our control to realize this hope and capitalize on it.

This isn’t to say that the world will turn out all roses and dachshunds, nor is it going to be the 'faux depressing type of hope' akin to when your mother would say: “Well at least you aren’t a cancerous, Ebola-infected, starving, blind quadriplegic, leper living in war-torn Ethiopia with lice!”

But at minimum this book will show you there is a future, you can live a happy life, the left will get their comeuppance, and no matter how bad it gets, there is always a way to enjoy the decline.”

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