Harry B. Joseph Quotes Page 2
Best 54 Quotes by Harry B. Joseph – Page 2 of 2
The Book of Wisdom Quotes
“The brain is not the mind, the brain is the physical manifestation of the mind. The soul inhabits the mind then the mind inhabits the spirit then the spirit inhabits the etheric body then inhabits the physical body.
The soul and mind are the two aspects of you that are celestial (not from earth). The spirit is a non physical copy of your physical body which you use when you leave the body to astral travel and dream.
The soul is consciousness, everything has a soul even grass and animals. It's pure magnetic life force which gives life to everything it inhabits. For example the body is fed by the life force of the soul but the body contains of atoms which decay therefore the body is mortal but the soul is immortal.”
“The cardiovascular system is the tree of life because it provides life to the physical body.”
“The Christ Oil passes the 33 vertebrae of the spine and then passes the Vagus Nerve which crosses over.
Jesus was crucified at 33 because it was the crucifixion of the Christ Oil passing the 33 vertebrae and crossing the Vagus Nerve.”
“The conscious mind is the male aspect. The conscious mind impresses/penetrates the subconscious mind with emotions and thoughts which then the subconscious mind manifests into mental programs. These programs make you behave accordingly to the program.”
“The elites in power have externalized all of the sacred things like the holy grail, the temple of Solomon, etc. This is done to keep you from finding out the fact that you are the ultimate of all things. Man is truly created in the image of God.
The church and other religions are teaching the masses the exoteric, meaning external teachings. This is done purposely to keep the pyramid scheme up and running. Meanwhile, the people in power get taught the esoteric, meaning the internal teachings about the body, consciousness, and the metaphysical aspects of reality.
The Bible is written in such a way it will resonate with your level of understanding. You can perceive the Bible physically, historically, and
metaphorically depending on how wide you have expanded your mind.
Your reality is your level of realization.”
“The human body is an electromagnetic organism, therefore it needs electric foods which contain light in them. fruits and vegetables are grown in the sun which gives it life, energy, vitamins etc...
By consuming plants, fruits and vegetables the cells in the body are being electrically charged. A plant based diet is essential for a thriving body and a high state of consciousness.”
“The milk is the fluid created by the moon. The honey is the fluid created by the sun.”
“The oil process:
1) The Claustrum (Claus = Santa Claus) produces the psycho-physical fluid which then goes to the pineal and pituitary gland.
2) The Pineal Gland electrically charges the fluid (male / Joseph)
3) The Pituitary Gland magnetically charges the fluid (female / Mary)
4) Then the fluid will travel down the two nerves, the Ida which is connected to the Pituitary, and then the Pingala which is connected to the Pineal Gland.
5) The oil then rests for 2/3 days on the Sacrum Bone / Solar Plexus.
6) If the oil is saved and not destroyed, the oil will activate the Kundalini energy which will turn the oil intoa a gas and rise back up the 33 vertebrae to the Medulla Oblongata.
7) This will then pass to the Pineal Gland and then to the Cerebrum which will rebirth/resurrect all brain cells, activate the Pineal Gland, and regenerate all the cells in the body. This process is symbolised as being "born again".”
“The story of Jesus is symbolic of the alchemical process that occurs monthly within the human body. Jesus falls from heaven and incarnates on the earth, which is symbolic of the christ oil traveling down the spine from your brain (heaven).
The sacred oil stays still within the sacrum bone for 3 days, which is Jesus being dead in the cave for three days. Once Jesus resurrects (the oil rising up the spine) he gets crucified at 33 years of age.
The spine contains 33 verdabreas, and once the oil passes all 33 vertebrae and reaches the optic thalamus, it gets crucified on the cross because the thalamus looks like a cross.
The death of Jesus symbolises turning matter into spirit as the return of the oil gives the human supernatural abilities like astral travel.”
“The subconscious mind is the female aspect of the mind. It controls 95% of our minds and lives. It knows all things that exist as it's part of the universal mind.
The subconscious mind has no language and it takes everything you or anyone says literally as it does not know the difference between the past or the future or anyone else but yourself.
For example if I say to someone "I hate you" your subconscious mind will pick that up as you're saying it to yourself and will manifest that statement by making you feel the emotion linked to that statement.
This is why the golden rule in the ancient times was to treat others as you would like to be treated because by causing someone else harm you are actually harming yourself.”
“The sun creates the 4 seasons by spinning inward to the tropic of cancer which is summer for the northern lands. After this it will then start to spin outwards towards the tropic of capricorn which will then be further away from the northern lands creating the season of winter.”
“The Temple of Solomon is you.
The body is the temple of the soul and mind.”
“The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the nervous system because it gives our mind knowledge of good and evil. The mind and soul come from eternal bliss, and the mind projects the soul into this dualistic simulation to gain the knowledge of dualism.
The nervous system decodes electrical impulses given to it by the external world and reports back to the brain. Our
consciousness is pretty much experiencing a program played out by the central nervous system.”
“Thoughts are electric, emotions are magnetic.”
“We have been programmed to believe that we need 3 meals a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner. This couldn't be any further from the truth.
When we consume too much food the body stops producing stem cells as a result of all of the body's energy is being wasted on the digestive system to digest food.
By eating one nutritious meal per day the body now has energy to work on killing toxins within the body instead of using all its energy digesting food.
When we abstain from eating the body goes into regeneration mode by creating stem cells to heal any issues within the body.”
“What do they gain by lying?
- trick you to not trust your senses which makes you vulnerable to program.
- hiding more land = more resources which means everyone would want to move out into fresh land.
- makes you subconsciously think that you're not created for a purpose, you're just a coincidence.
- hiding electromagnetism and the ether which can be used to harness free energy.”
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“Primitive Christians, the Essenes, fully realized and taught the great truth that Christ was a substance, an oil or ointment contained especially in the Spinal Cord, consequently in all parts of the body, as every nerve in the body is directly or indirectly connected with the wonderful River that flows out of Eden (the upper brain) to water the garden.”
“What happened last time you cut yourself? The body healed it by itself.
Your body knows how to heal itself. It just needs you to give it the time and energy to do so.”
“Whatever you do in the astral plane will manifest into the physical world; it's like a mirror.”
“When something is free you are the product.”
“When the moon enters your sun sign (your birth zodiac sign), a psychophysical oil is released from the brain down the spine to the sacrum bone.
This sacred fluid must be cared for and not destroyed by acidic foods and liquids. Our sexual energy/fluids must be retained if we wish to raise this psycho-physical oil back to our brain (heaven).
By opening our chakras, preserving our sexual energy, and maintaining the Christ oil, we can use the power behind the sexual energy (kundalini) to raise it up from the base of the spine back to the crown chakra in the brain.”
“When the moon is in the phase of being new you want to start new projects, plant seeds or start a new chapter in your life as the moon will be growing along with you.”
“When you dream, your mind is projecting the soul into another reality while the physical body is resting.”
“You are an electromagnetic being with an electromagnetic field. Every cell in the body has its own electromagnetic field and all of these cells together create the overall electromagnetic field.”
“Your seed is your life force, it's so powerful it can create another human being.
When it's kept within the body it increases testosterone levels, makes your vision clearer, boosts confidence
and develops muscle growth.
When men release their seed it decreases testosterone and increases estrogen levels which makes you more feminine over time. When women release their seed their estrogen levels go down and testosterone levels go up resulting over time to be more masculine.
This results in the two genders being reversed. Masculine being feminine and feminine being masculine. This is exactly what the sat*nic elite want as they are inverts. Sat*nists invert anything that is natural/god made.”
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“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”