Harry B. Joseph Quotes
Best 54 The Book of Wisdom Quotes by Harry B. Joseph – Page 1 of 2
The Book of Wisdom Quotes
“- Fast one day a week
- Consume one meal a day
- Only consume alkaline plants, fruits and vegetables
- Eat 4 hours before you go to sleep
- Eat when the sun is up”
“A weak field will result in catching diseases and attracting people who are on that similar frequency.”
“All diseases stem from mineral deficiency. Therefore if we lack minerals in our diet we will manifest health issues within the body.”
“By meditating under trees you absorb the electromagnetic energy being emitted off the tree.”
“Chakra in sanskrit means wheel. The chakras are 7 wheels of energy that are a part of the electromagnetic field we call our aura.
The chakras are like mini-brains controlling all the cells and organs within that section of the body of the body.
“Every thought and emotion has a vibration which has a certain frequency. Every thought has an emotion attached to it.
The strength of your field determines whether you are thinking and feeling high vibratory expressions or low vibratory expressions. High vibrational thoughts and emotions strengthen the field.
All emotions are felt in the heart and all thoughts are produced in the brain. It's important you only maintain positive thoughts as it will produce positive emotions in the heart and the heart is 5000x more magnetic than the brain.
The heart is the centre of the field and it has the ability to send out magnetic impulses into the quantum field. The heart is constantly forecasting your emotions and the vibration you put out determines what you attract to yourself based off what vibration you are matching with.”
“Everything in the body leads back to one source point, which is the centre of the brain. The centre of the brain is the pineal gland, which we refer to as 'I'.
When we say 'I' we are referring to the inner being/observer/entity that is controlling the body. If we say "my body," then if it is mine, it is not me.
This body is the vehicle for our soul/entity to operate within this physical world of time and space.”
“Everything you see has an etheric double which is an exact copy of that object but in an energy state.
The physical body is an exact copy of the etheric counterpart. The etheric body determines the shape of our physical body through its lines of force.
All through life it rebuilds and restores the physical body. Physical problems show up first in the etheric body.”
“Freemasonry is a fraternity which includes a blend of esoteric teachings such as: gnostic, hermetic and cabalistic subjects, arts and rituals.
Some say its roots go all the way back to the ancient hermetic Egyptians and some say the roots go back to the Knights Templars.
In order to become a freemason you have to believe in a God and you have to be invited by someone you know.”
“Freemasonry seems to have the right to kill someone if they break the oath they took. This is probably because all people in governments are all freemasons.”
“How to eat correctly
1) When eating you want to make sure you chew your food until it's a liquid, the body cannot digest chunks of food. By chewing your food to a liquid the digestive system uses less energy to process the food.
2) Eat at the same time every day. You need to create a cycle for your body to process foods efficiently in order to help the body work to its maximum potential.
3) Never eat when the sun has set. The sun helps your body in every way possible and even when it comes to digesting food. Try and eat in the sun's rays as much as possible.
4) Do not mix different foods. For example grains and fruits do not mix well in the stomach. Mixing foods makes it very hard for the digestive system to separate and process the enzymes in the foods, therefore it may create constipation and digestive issues alongside of using up lots of your energy.
5) Leave 4 hours before your last meal and going to sleep. When you lie down your body cannot digest foods very efficiently, so by not eating just before bed you will not only just get a better quality sleep but you're also helping your body use its energy to recharge and regenerate.”
“How to have a strong field
- live from the heart not the mind
- positive thinking
- positive feeling
- electric diet (fruit & veg)
- being around positive people
- balanced chakras
- meditating under trees
- grounding daily
- meditation”
“How to raise the oil:
- Retain your sexual fluids
- Consume an alkaline diet
- No consumption of acidic foods/fluids
- No consuming alcohol
- Kundalini meditation
- Balance all chakras
- Keep your tongue on top of your mouth
- Proper breathing”
“In order to fast efficiently with maximum results you want to go on a one fruit diet for 1 week before you start to fast. When starting to fast do 1 day every 2 weeks with no food just liquid (water/ coconut water/juiced fruits).
You can then start to fast for multiple days even weeks once you start to become consistent with it. Fasting is the most powerful way to heal any problem with the body. After 2 days of fasting the body starts to produce growth hormones.”
“In the Bible the head is referred to as the upper room where Jesus met the 12 disciples. The 12 disciples are the 12 cranial nerves in the brain which are the 12 zodiac signs.”
“Jacob symbolizes the oil in this parable. The rock he fell asleep on is the Sacrum bone, where the oil falls and stays for some time.
He then saw a ladder that reached heaven, which is the spinal cord leading up to the brain (heaven). The spinal cord is the stairway to your head (heaven).
Freemasons symbolize the spinal cord with a ladder or staircase.”
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“The whole point of finance is to indebt, otherwise enslave.”
“Jesus never walked on water. It is symbolic for leaving the physical body. The water is the ethereal plane, which is the veil between the physical world and the astral world. Jesus was walking on top of the veil of the ether (astral projecting).
When Jesus teaches Peter to “walk on water,” he is teaching him not to be scared or else you will fall back into the water.
This is symbolic of when you are astral projecting.
When you start to fear when you're projecting, you will be sucked back into your body.”
“Judaism is a Saturnian based religion.
- black cube on their forehead when praying
- black band wrapped around them to symbolize Saturn wrapping you in physical matter
- covering their eyes into the blackness
- star of David is actually the star of Saturn
- their day of worship is Saturn day (Saturday)”
“Low vibrating light turns into matter. High vibrational matter turns into light. light is conscious energy which carries information.”
“Lucid dreaming is being consciously aware in your dream (astral realm). This then gives you the option to do anything you want in a dream.
- journal every dream you have in as much detail as possible.
- do reality checks 3 times a day (count your fingers and ask yourself "am I dreaming?")
- before you go to sleep experience your last dream that you had and try to fall asleep with this is your mind
- (optional) put on an alarm for 3am and when you wake up do a reality check and fall back asleep with your last dream in mind.
Never look into mirrors or fear anything in the astral realm. This will result in waking up.”
“Lust is the lowest vibrational emotion. This is why lust for sex is pushed upon us by the music industry, especially rap music.
Anything that is free, you are the product; this is why p*rn is free because it wastes your seed, keeping you in the lowest vibrational state of lust.”
“Moses was teaching people to raise their kundalini energy to activate the pineal gland which would then give the human out of body abilities. Leaving the body gives you access to worlds beyond time and space.”
“One of the primary functions of the toes is to release and discharge any surplus energy that accumulates within the major chakras through our everyday activities and bodily functions. This excess energy is channeled into the Earth, facilitating a grounding of our consciousness.
When the minor chakras in the feet operate harmoniously and are in alignment with the major chakras, it establishes a continuous connection and a flow of communication between the earth's energy grids and our own energies.”
“Reasons why they hide flat earth:
- more land = more resources
- globe earth makes us subconsciously think we came from nothing
- hiding the power of the stars
- they can make us fear asteroids
- alien fear mongering
- hiding the north pole
- hiding the true god
- hiding free energy”
“Releasing s*men results in lower energy levels, slower muscle growth, sped up aging, low self confidence, low vibration etc...
We have been sexually programmed since we were children. In cartoons, films and tv programs they place subliminal sexual messages and images to sexually stimulate/program you while you were young.
Between the age of 1-7 your subconscious mind is wide open and your mind is absorbing everything in your environment in order to gain an understanding of the world.
After the age of 7 your mental programs you gained will become mental programs which you will have for the rest of your life.
They sexually program you so you which results in a society being over sexual then that results is wasting your seed, sex addictions, low self esteem and poor
mental health.
All of this is to keep you in your lower chakras, vibrating as low as possible in order for the elite to stay in power over the masses.
Sex is a human's biggest weakness as it releases large amounts of dopamine in the brain.”
“Sex is a sacred ritual. Sex is an exchange of energy and DNA. DNA holds all the information about that person including traumas, mental problems and everything about that person.
Everyone you've ever kissed or had sex with you have exchanged DNA with. This will effect you in some way or another as you are downloading all of that person's information into your DNA.
Demonic entities which may feed off that person can also be transferred onto you. Demonic entities normally feed of sexually addicted people as sexual energy is a very powerful force which they feed off. If you do not believe in spirits then you should learn how to astral travel and see them for yourself...
Playing out sex creates a very high vibration and can be used to raise the kundalini energy from the base of your spine to your third eye. This is called white tantra sex.
This sex is an non ej*culatory sex where you raise the org*sm up your spine to the head region and have an internal org*sm, activating the pineal gland. This is a very powerful way for both male and female can do to raise there state of consciousness.”
“Spotify, radio, Apple music, and all major platforms are tuned to 440Hz. 440Hz shuts off the right side of the brain, resulting in you being left-brain dominant.
They do not want you to be balanced or right brain dominant due to it being the creative, intuitive, and unified part of the brain.
The Rockefeller Foundation in the 1950s changed the standard music tuning from 432Hz to 440Hz. This is to keep you thinking logically instead of critically.
Frequency is the only thing that enters your temple without consent, affecting you no matter what. This is why music is one of their most powerful tools.
Instead, you want to listen to music/frequencies in 432Hz/528Hz/963Hz or any of the Solfeggio scale frequencies.”
“Symbols are the language of the soul. Symbolism appeals to our inner faculty of understanding, to a part of us which cannot be expressed in language. Each symbol has a vibrational frequency and this speaks to the subconscious mind.”
“Syncretism unites all subjects of matter into one holy science.
All things come from the one, therefore all things are one.
The world we live in is a fractional world where all things contain all things from a micro and macro perspective.”
“The best place to hide the truth is in your
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“The whiter the bread, the quicker you're dead because white bread lacks vitamin E and lecithin.”