Richard Cooper Quotes


Best 147 Twitter post Quotes by Richard Cooper – Page 1 of 5

Twitter post Quotes

“5 red flags in women:

1. Watches mindless shows like The Bachelor/Bachelorette
2. Tattoos everywhere
3. Unnatural hair colors (purple/green/bright red)
4. Daddy issues
5. Single mommy with kids from different dads”

Twitter post

“5 types of women that men must avoid dating:

1. Feminists
2. Women with daddy issues
3. Single mothers
4. Women looking to be rescued
5. Women that are broke, and deeply in debt”

Twitter post

“A lot of wives today complain that their husbands aren't leading the marriage, but they won't even let him drive the car when the family goes out.

Want him in the drivers seat ladies? Then get in the passenger seat and let him drive.”

Twitter post

“A man with money will change a broke woman's life.

A woman with money, won't even look a broke mans way.”

Twitter post

“A marriage contract is the only agreement where a woman is richly rewarded for breaking it.”

Twitter post

“A winner is just a loser that tried one more time.”

Twitter post

“A woman's test of loyalty is always presented when her man is unsuccessful.

A good woman will sit beside you in your exotic car, or on the bench at the bus stop.”

Twitter post

“A woman's test of loyalty is presented when her man is unsuccessful. A man's test of loyalty is when he is successful.”

Twitter post

“A woman's v*gina, just like a car, goes down in value as the number owners, and miles on the clock go up.”

Twitter post

“A womans past, is not in her past, it defines who she is going to be in your future if you invite her into it.”

Twitter post

“All men need to learn that nobody is going to save them or truly cares. Only women, children and dogs are loved and cared for unconditionally.

Men are only loved and cared for under the condition they can provide something. Believing otherwise is naive.”

Twitter post

“Always remember, whoever is trying to pull you down, is already below you.”

Twitter post

“Always stay away from people who act like a victim in a problem they generate.”

Twitter post

“Are women going to finally admit that men prefer youth, beauty and fertility?”

Twitter post

“Are you playing to win, or playing not to lose?”

Twitter post

“Are you unplugging and seeing the code in the matrix yet?”

Twitter post

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“Look for girls that have qualities that make them coachable and then, as the man, be the leader and get those bad habits out of her.”

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“As a general rule, don't take health advice from a man with t*ts and a belly.”

Twitter post

“Before you take advice from someone, always ask yourself: Would I trade places with this person?

If the answer is no, give them none of your resources or time. You owe nothing to them. Being a good judge of character is a skill all must learn.”

Twitter post

“Behind many successful men, there is a woman that left him in his difficult time. Mental point of origin, learn it.”

Twitter post

“Chase excellence, not women.”

Twitter post

“Check out that degree on that chick!

~ said no man ever”

Twitter post

“Dear feminists, you either get equality or chivalry. You can't have both.”

Twitter post

“Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it. Let go of the ego investments that don't serve you.”

Twitter post

“Don't make your problems, my problems.”

Twitter post

“Don't wait 'till your death bed to tell people how you feel.

Tell them to f*ck off now.”

Twitter post

“Driving a car, with a mask on, with nobody else in the car, and the windows up?

You are a f*cking idiot.”

Twitter post

“Employment won't make you rich. Entrepreneurship can.”

Twitter post

“Every 16 year old boy should be taken on a field trip to family court to sit in on some divorce hearings so they know what happens to the 50% of men that go through the divorce machine.”

Twitter post

“Every time you skip doing things with your boys, making money or going to the gym for her, she loses some respect for you.”

Twitter post

“Exercise is the greatest medicine.”

Twitter post

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“Not all of your boundaries require brute force.

As you practice, your responses should eventually be equal to the violations.”

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