Richard P. Feynman Quotes

Best 8 Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Quotes by Richard P. Feynman

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Quotes

“All the time you're saying to yourself, 'I could do that, but I won't,' — which is just another way of saying that you can't.”

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

“I couldn't claim that I was smarter than sixty-five other guys--but the average of sixty-five other guys, certainly!”

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

“I learned from her that every woman is worried about her looks, no matter how beautiful she is.”

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

“Learn what the rest of the world is like. The variety is worthwhile.”

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

“Of course, you only live one life, and you make all your mistakes, and learn what not to do, and that's the end of you.”

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

“What do you care what other people think?”

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

“You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish. I have no responsibility to be like they expect me to be. It's their mistake, not my failing.”

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

“You have to have absolute confidence. Keep right on going, and nothing will happen.”

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

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