Richard Wiseman Quotes

Best 26 Quotes by Richard Wiseman

59 Seconds Quotes

“A survey lent a helping hand to those men who wanted to engage in some heartfelt wooing, by identifying the gestures that women view as most, and least, romantic. Interestingly, it seems that gestures that reflect a form of escapism and surprise top the list, followed by those that reflect thoughtfulness, with blatant acts of materialism trailing in last place—scientific evidence, perhaps, that when it comes to romance, it really is the thought that counts.”

59 Seconds

“A woman’s flattery may inflate a man’s head a little, but her criticism goes straight to his heart, and contracts it so that it can never again hold quite so much love for her.”

59 Seconds

“Buy experiences not goods.”

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“Happiness doesn't just flow from success; it actually causes it.”

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“If you want to cheer yourself up, behave like a happy person.”

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“Materialism takes root in early childhood, and is driven mainly by low self-esteem.”

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“More than six thousand people reported which sporting activities would make a member of the opposite sex more attractive. Women’s choices appeared to reflect the type of psychological qualities that they find attractive, such as bravery and a willingness to take on challenges, while men appeared to be looking for a woman who was physically fit without appearing muscle-bound. No one, it seemed, was attracted to golfers.”

59 Seconds

“Researchers have speculated that those who fantasize about how wonderful life could be are ill prepared for the setbacks that frequently occur along the rocky road to success, or maybe they enjoy indulging in escapism and so become reluctant to put in the effort required to achieve their goal.”

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“Thanks to our capacity to adapt to ever greater fame and fortune, yesterday’s luxuries can soon become today’s necessities and tomorrow’s relics.”

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“The message is that people are more likely to agree with you when they have already said something positive.”

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“The next time you are trying to be creative in a meeting, gently lean forward and pull against the table. When the going gets tough, cross your arms to help perseverance in the face of failure. If that doesn’t work, lie down. If anyone accuses you of being lazy, quietly explain that you are employing your locus coeruleus in the war against rigid thinking.”

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“The results from both studies clearly indicated that in terms of short- and long-term happiness, buying experiences made people feel better than buying products.”

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“Thinking and writing are very different. Thinking can often be somewhat unstructured, disorganized, and even chaotic. In contrast, writing encourages the creation of a story line and structure that help people make sense of what has happened and work toward a solution. In short, talking can add to a sense of confusion, but writing provides a more systematic, solution-based approach.”

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“Those who do not feel in control of their lives are less successful, and less psychologically and physically healthy, than those who do feel in control.”

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“Visualize yourself doing, not achieving.”

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“Want to buy happiness? Then spend your hard-earned cash on experiences. Go out for a meal. Go to a concert, cinema or theatre. Go on holiday. Go and learn how to pole dance. Go paintballing. Go bungee jumping. In fact, get involved in anything that provides an opportunity to do things with others, and then tell even more people about it afterwards. When it comes to happiness, remember that it is experiences that represent really good value for money.”

59 Seconds

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“We do not love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we do them.”

59 Seconds

“When it comes to happiness, remember, it is experiences that represent really good value for the money.”

59 Seconds

“When people can afford necessities in life, an increase in income does not result in a significantly happier life.”

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“When trying to write your way to a happier life, expressing gratitude is just the tip of the iceberg.”

59 Seconds

“When you gossip about another person, listeners unconsciously associate you with the characteristics you are describing, ultimately leading to those characteristics being transferred to you. So, say positive and pleasant things about friends and colleagues, and you are seen as a nice person. In contrast, constantly complain about their failings, and people will unconsciously apply the negative traits and incompetence to you.”

59 Seconds

Night School Quotes

“If you need to feel wide awake directly after having a short nap, drink a cup of coffee or other caffeinated drink just before dozing off. The caffeine will start to work its magic about twenty-five minutes later – just as you are waking up.”

Night School

“Napping is often seen as a form of laziness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hundreds of experiments have demonstrated the enormous benefits associated with even the shortest of sleeps, and so it is vital that you make napping part of your daily routine.”

Night School

“Spend just a few nights sleeping for seven hours or less and your brain goes into slow motion.”

Night School

Paranormality Quotes

“Our beliefs do not sit passively in our brains waiting to be confirmed or contradicted by incoming information. Instead, they play a key role in shaping how we see the world.”


The Luck Factor Quotes

“If you are an apple picker and you keep coming back to the same trees every day, eventually you’re going to run out of fruit.”

The Luck Factor

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“As people strengthened their willpower muscles in one part of their lives—in the gym, or a money management program—that strength spilled over into what they ate or how hard they worked. Once willpower became stronger, it touched everything.”

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