Richard Wyckoff Quotes

Best 28 Stock Market Technique Number One Quotes by Richard Wyckoff

Stock Market Technique Number One Quotes

“A miner must understand how dynamite works before he can safely use it.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“A profit is not a profit until it is realized.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“A stop-order a few points away is insurance against a large loss in case you are wrong.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“A sure way to avoid big investment losses: Once a week close out every investment that shows a loss. Keep only those which are moving your favor.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Are you riding a dead horse? Get off and get on a live one.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Beethoven's sonatas are in any piano if you just happen to hit the right notes, and there is big money in Wall Street for anyone who learns how to play the market.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Cheap advice is plentiful.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Do not expect your ship to come in unless you have sent one out.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Do not operate for the sake of making trades, but only for the purpose of making money.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Don't think because you own a stock it can't go down much farther. Any stock can go anywhere.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Hearsay is half lies.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“How much could you have saved in the past few years if you had known how to limit your risk and when to sell out?”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“How to have lots of money with which to buy bargains in slumps and depression: Sell out in booms.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“If everybody had placed a stop order on stocks held and purchases made in 1929, there would have been no panic.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“If insiders traded like outsiders, the insiders would soon be outsiders.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“In stock trading you must have plenty of nerve but no 'nerves'.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

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“It is better to lose the saddle than the horse.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Look for your money where you lost it.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Losses are punishment for bad judgment.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Never buy an egg until it is laid.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Successful trading depends on a systematic control of losses and the securing of profits in excess of those losses.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Take advice only from those who have been successful.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“The more statistics, the more confusion.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“The most perfect example of following the trend would be a monkey clinging to the back of a boa constrictor as it wriggled through the jungle.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“The only fundamental factor that really counts in the stock market is The Law of Supply and Demand.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Trading without scientifically limiting your risk is like wearing your pants without a belt or suspenders.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“When in doubt, stay out. If you are in, and grow doubtful, get out.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

“Where certainty ends, speculation begins.”

Stock Market Technique Number One

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