Robert A. Glover Quotes

Books by Robert A. Glover


Best 107 Quotes by Robert A. Glover – Page 1 of 4

“Discovering passion and purpose requires figuring out what works and what doesn't. Mature, successful people establish their own rules. These rules are measured by only one standard: do they work?”

Dating Essentials for Men Quotes

“A belief is a thought you keep thinking. Your mind believes your beliefs are true because you have always thought them. Because your mind strives for consistency, it finds plenty of evidence to support your beliefs (and ignores information that is contradictory.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“All of your self-limiting beliefs are the result of repeatedly internalizing inaccurate interpretations of life’s events. Your mind has been telling you these things since you were a child and you have found plenty of evidence to support these beliefs through adolescence and adulthood.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Bad daters tend to avoid social situations where they might have to talk to people whom they don’t know. They often suffer from some degree of social anxiety. This is especially pronounced around desirable women. To reduce their anxiety, bad daters tend to keep to themselves and take few social risks.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Bad daters tend to avoid women or become a 'girlfriend with a pen*s' with women whom they desire, hoping this will eventually lead to deeper intimacy.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Because you don’t believe you are attractive or desirable, you pretty much keep to yourself and don’t talk to women.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Dating and courting are not in our human DNA. They have only existed in Western culture for a few generations. For most of modern civilization, marriages were arranged by family and clan. The idea of romantic love has only been around a couple of hunderd years.”

Dating Essentials for Men

Book of the Week

Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas


“Don’t look at dating as an attempt to get women to like you, sleep with you, marry you, etc. Look at dating as the most effective way imaginable to clean out all the distorted mental crap you’ve been packing around inside you since birth. The bonus is that you will also get the love and sex you have been looking for.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Due to toxic shame, your self-limiting beliefs convince you that attractive women are not attracted to you.


Because you believe this to be true, you don’t interact with women you find attractive.


Because you don’t interact with attractive women, they tend to not notice you or interact with you.


You then use this data to reinforce the belief that attractive women aren’t interested in you which, of course, means you continue to avoid interacting with them.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Everything you internalized when you were an adolescent is probably still dictating your thoughts, feelings and actions.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Here is how paradigms work. Information that seems to support your self-limiting beliefs will be sought out, amplified, and retained as evidence of the accuracy of your SLBs. Information that seems to contradict or challenge the validity of your SLBs will not be noticed, will be minimized, or rationalized away.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Here’s the deal. To successfully date, get laid, and have great relationships, you have to challenge yourself. You have to be willing to face your fears and leave your comfort zone.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“How you think is how you are. What you think about and believe to be true is what you will create. Your mindset will determine how you interact with women and how they respond to you.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“I suggested to my client that what he believed to be true, would become true. As long as his mind kept telling him that 'all the good women are taken', he would be sure and never find one.”

Dating Essentials for Men

Products by Robert A. Glover

“If a bad dater like me can learn how to interact confidently with women – get their phone numbers, get laid, and create great relationships – so can you!”

Dating Essentials for Men

“If an attractive woman smiles at you or talks to you, you assume that she is just being polite or smiling at someone else because such behavior contradicts your self-limiting beliefs.”

Dating Essentials for Men

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Don’t betray my trust.”

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“If you are telling yourself: I’m a worthless piece of shit. How do you think you will approach women (if at all?) and how do you think they will respond to you?

If you are telling yourself: I’m an interesting, great guy and women really like me. How do you think you will approach women and how do you think they will respond to you?”

Dating Essentials for Men

“If you believe that you are defective and unlovable, you will also assume that everyone else sees you the same way.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Just remember, historically your best thinking has gotten you exactly where you are right now – lonely and frustrated. When it comes to how you view yourself, women, and dating, we are going to be suspicious of everything your mind has believed to be true.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Many of your beliefs about yourself, women, sex aren’t necessarily true or accurate, but your mind believes them because it has repeatedly thought them.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“One of the most powerful tools for calling up your self-limiting beliefs into consciousness is to do something outside your comfort zone that challenges you.”

Dating Essentials for Men

Book of the Week

Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas


“Self-limiting beliefs (i.e., the lies your mind tells you) become self-perpetuating realities.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“Self-limiting beliefs affect every part of your life and keep you stuck and unhappy. By challenging your self-limiting beliefs through the process of dating, you can clear these mental lies out and start experiencing all kinds of great things in life.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“The mind resides in the brain and the brain is connected to every part of the body. Therefore, your mind controls everything about you through your brain.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“The problems you have experienced getting the love and sex you want is the direct result of a lifetime of believing and acting upon a boatload of false, distorted, negative, and judgmental self-limiting beliefs.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“The thinking part of your brain unquestioningly accepts everything recorded in the emotional centers of your brain to be one hundred percent accurate.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“To my surprise, I found that getting women to talk to me, give me their phone number, date me, and have sex with me was nowhere nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. In fact, I was often amazed at how simple and easy it could be when applying the right principles.”

Dating Essentials for Men

“When you decide you want to date, what you are really deciding to do is present yourself to the women of the world and ask them the following question:

In spite of all of my visible flaws (and all the ones you can’t see yet, but which I’m painfully aware of), do you find me interesting enough to talk to me, give me a phone number, go out with me, sleep with me, and maybe become my girlfriend?”

Dating Essentials for Men

Products by Robert A. Glover

“When you do anything that challenges your self-limiting beliefs head on, they will quit whispering at you and start screaming at you! This makes it a lot easier to find out what they are!”

Dating Essentials for Men

“When your life seems to be a very accurate proof of the validity of your thinking, the cycle just keeps spinning downward.”

Dating Essentials for Men

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