Robert A. Glover Quotes

Best Other Quote by Robert A. Glover

“Discovering passion and purpose requires figuring out what works and what doesn't. Mature, successful people establish their own rules. These rules are measured by only one standard: do they work?”

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“All men who are great with women are great because of their unwavering commitment to authenticity. These men show up in the world, unafraid of what others think and unmoved by what others expect of them.

They live life on their terms and by their rules. And women can sense it.

These men have no problem expressing love, sexual desire, or disapproval with a woman because at the end of the day, her response to him doesn’t make a damn’s worth of a difference.

He is just as happy going home by himself as he is taking home a beautiful woman as long as he remains true to himself and his values and does not sugar coat his desires and truth for the approval of others.”

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