Robert Herjavec Quotes

Best Driven Quotes by Robert Herjavec

Driven Quotes

“Another aspect of being a driven entrepreneur is something I like to call 'a tolerance for ambiguity', which among other things explains why people like me often have messy desks. Beware of accountants with messy desks. Ambiguity in an accountant is not necessarily a desirable quality.

The untidiness isn’t always the result of running here and there. It reflects the knack of seeing opportunities all around us, some of which are acted upon while others are merely evaluated. Which explains the reference to ambiguity.”


“Successful businesspeople retain a quality most others not only lack but often fail to comprehend, and that’s the unrelenting drive to convert a vision into reality.”


“When the bullets are flying and the bombs are dropping, the ability to zig and zag is far more valuable than the capacity to figure out the calibre of the bullets and what kinds of planes are flying overhead.”


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