Robert Kurson Quotes

Best 6 Pirate Hunters Quotes by Robert Kurson

Pirate Hunters Quotes

“Every so often, life presents a great moment of decision, an intersection at which a man must decide to stop or go.”

Pirate Hunters

“Examine everything; not all is as it seems or as people tell you.”

Pirate Hunters

“Excellence is born of preparation, dedication, focus, and tenacity; compromise on any of these and you become average.”

Pirate Hunters

“If an undertaking was easy, someone else already would have done it.”

Pirate Hunters

“If you follow in another’s footsteps, you miss the problems really worth solving.”

Pirate Hunters

“The only way to see what really matters in life is to go to the places that are hardest to reach.”

Pirate Hunters

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