Robert Waggoner Quotes
Best 20 Quotes by Robert Waggoner
“As you log time in the lucid dream realm, you develop poise, confidence, skills, and flexibility. Your awareness begins to relate differently to thoughts and images. You don't get swept into dream or thought events as easily; rather, you pick and choose what to accept with a greater sense of engaged detachment.”
“I've learned one important thing about God's gifts – what we do with them is our gift to Him.”
“Like many children I had an intense dream life. Dreams were an amazing theater of the mind featuring both glorious adventures and moments of sheer terror.”
Lucid Dreaming Quotes
“An easy and successful lucid dream experience shows the proper use of mental principles and a conflict-free mind.”
“Fellow lucid dreamers I've met over the years seem to agree with me that the senses proclaimed each experience as real as waking experience.
Yet, experienced lucid dreamers note that if they predetermine or expect what to feel or how to feel, they can alter the sensory experience in line with their expectations.
In other words, “As you believe, so shall it be” is a powerful truth when lucid.”
“You are what you let yourself become.”
“Your idea of the world is everything; and when that changes, the world itself changes.”
Lucid Dreaming, Plain and Simple Quotes
“The lucid dream felt as if it lasted well over an hour. In fact, at one point, I was on a grassy bank by a river where there were many dream figures sitting and enjoying.”
“Their names in the annual list of donors. As I walked away from her, I wryly thought: 'The lord loves a happy giver!' This dream figure thus seemed to represent symbolically a bit of day residue from my waking reality. However, something profound happened in that lucid dream.”
The Lucid Dreaming Pack Quotes
“Does our interest in calling the dream sacred simply reflect our inability to understand it? By discouraging conscious interaction with the dream, we limit our ability to improve our understanding of it.”
“In a lucid dream we have the ability to choose and some dreamers do, indeed, choose to escape into an adventure.
For example, a lucid dreamer may decide to ignore an angry dream figure and fly away instead, thereby avoiding the issue represented by the figure.
More experienced lucid dreamers, however, would stop and engage the dream figure to find out more about the situation.”
“Like all dreamers, if we purposely ignore a dream message, it likely returns in another dream or some other form.”
“No sailor controls the sea. Only a foolish sailor would say such a thing. Similarly, no lucid dreamer controls the dream. Like a sailor on the sea, we lucid dreamers direct our perceptual awareness within the larger state of dreaming.”
“The awareness needed for meditation, at least some forms of it, seems analogous to what lucid dreamers seek to develop.
Meditators, especially beginners, have to learn a sense of balance when they turn inward; otherwise, they can fall asleep while meditating or become caught up and engaged with entrancing thoughts. Likewise, beginning lucid dreamers often hold focused awareness for only a short period of time.
It takes practice and patience and poise to hold awareness consciously while being confronted with new thoughts or images—the products of the mind.”
“They project love, compassion, and care onto unfriendly dream figures, like the menacing black dog here, the love and concern transforms the image or introduces a new, positive dynamic”
“To be in the psychological space of the unconscious requires considerable affirmation of self in spite of numerous cultural conflicts.”
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“We are all the same; we all row in the same galley. In our many reincarnations, we have been of all religions, of all races. The soul has no race, no religion.”
“To counter our intense cultural conditioning, we must possess a sense of curious engagement to venture into the unconscious.
Even though it's a part of us, it exists as terra incognita or, perhaps more appropriately, psyche incognita – we simply have drawn a sketchy map of the psyche and marked a large segment in frightful red letters, 'Mind Unknown'.
We will never develop a truer conceptualization of the subconscious and unconscious if we only dance around it or consider it from the safe distance of the waking world.”
“To maintain the lucid dream state, you must modulate your emotions.”
“We will never develop a truer conceptualization of the subconscious and unconscious if we only dance around it or consider it from the safe distance of the waking world.”
“You are what you let yourself become, said the inner advisor. That answer satisfied me completely: The living of life was an allowing of self.”
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