Rollo Tomassi Quotes Page 3


Best 146 Quotes by Rollo Tomassi – Page 3 of 5

The Rational Male Quotes

“P*rn gives a guy his reward for free; a reward that should be her single best agency is rendered valueless when a man can get off to an infinite variety of sexual experience at the click of a mouse. It’s unlimited access to unlimited sexual availability without the stress of learning methods to earn it from women as a reward.”

The Rational Male

“People resort to denial when recognizing that the truth would destroy something they hold dear.”

The Rational Male

“Power isn’t financial resources, status or influence over others; power is the degree over which you control your own life, and right now, if I’ve just described you, you are powerful.”

The Rational Male

“Promise yourself you won’t allow yourself to let emotionality and conditioned expectations of monogamy dictate what your goals will be or how you’ll achieve them.”

The Rational Male

“Real change works from the inside out. If you don’t change your mind about yourself, you won't change anything else.”

The Rational Male

“Real power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real power is the degree to which we actually control the directions of our lives.”

The Rational Male

“Rejection is better than regret.”

The Rational Male

“Sex is the glue that holds relationships together.”

The Rational Male

“Sexuality is spontaneous chemical reaction between two parties, not a process of negotiation. It’s sex first, then relationship, not the other way around.”

The Rational Male

“She must be reminded daily why you’re fun, unpredictable and exciting, not only to her, but other women as well. This requires covertly, tactfully, demonstrably implying that other women find you desirable. Women crave the chemical rush that comes from suspicion and indignation. If you don’t provide it, they’ll happily get it from tabloids, romance novels, The View, Tyra Banks or otherwise living vicariously through their single girlfriends.

The Rational Male

“She will bring a date to your funeral.”

The Rational Male

“So entrapped are we in our self-expectation and self-imposed limitations that we fail to see that we have always had the keys to our own prisons – we’re just scared shitless to use them.”

The Rational Male

“Stimulating a woman’s imaginings is the single most potent talent you can develop in any context of a relationship.”

The Rational Male

“Studies have shown that men have the ability to more quickly and accurately identify their own children in a room full of kids dressed in the same uniforms than the mothers of the child. Again, this stresses the subconscious importance of this genetic trade off.”

The Rational Male

“The definition of power is not financial success, status or influence over others, but the degree to which we have control over our own lives.”

The Rational Male

“The girl who bangs the hot guy at the foam party in Cancun on Spring Break within 5 minutes of meeting him is the same girl who wants you to believe that they’ll only f*ck one guy at a time and then after commitment.”

The Rational Male

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“Do women dress for men or women? I’ve always wondered why that eternally provocative question is put in terms of approval – as if the heart of the matter, the answer, were indeed a question of approval by either sex.

But the question is never satisfactorily answered because it is incorrectly posed. It’s disapproval, the fear of it, that motivates most women, and with disapproval it doesn’t matter where it comes from.”

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“The guy she wants to f*ck is dominant because that’s ‘the way he is’ instead of who she had to tell him to be. Observing the process will change it. This is the root function of every shit test ever devised by a woman. If masculinity has to be explained to a man, he’s not the man for her.”

The Rational Male

“The guy with the capacity to call a woman’s bluff with a confidence that implies she is to be worthy of him rather than the other way around is the man to be competed for.”

The Rational Male

“The health of any long term relationship (LTR) you might entertain depends and survives on the frame you enter into it with. The foundations of a healthy LTR are laid while you’re single and dating non-exclusively. I’ve yet to meet the guy who’s told me he’s getting more frequent, more intense sex after his LTR / marriage / live-in situation was established.”

The Rational Male

“The only way to determine genuine motivation and/or intent is to observe the behavior of an individual.”

The Rational Male

“The sad truth is that prisons are full of Alpha males who simply channeled their drive toward destructive and anti-social endeavors.”

The Rational Male

“the Soul-Mate Myth is ridiculous – it’s psychologically much more pragmatic to construct another person to fit that ideal than it ever will be to 'wait for fate to take its course'. People subscribing to the myth would rather build a soul-mate, consequences be damned. So women will attempt to build a better Beta, or tame down an Alpha, while men will attempt to turn a wh*re into a housewife, or vice versa.”

The Rational Male

“The terms Alpha and Beta are good reference points in assessing the characteristics that women find arousing (and attractive) in men for both short and long term mating strategies.”

The Rational Male

“The vast majority of guys (see Betas), particularly in western culture, tend to transition from mother to wife with little or no intermission between.”

The Rational Male

“There are lots of 'special someones' out there for you, just ask the divorced or widowed person who’s remarried after their 'soul-mate' has died or moved on with another person they insist is their real soul-mate.”

The Rational Male

“There are two types of artists; those who were born with a natural, innate gift for art, and those who lack that gift, but possess such a passion for art that it drives them to be good at it. The true masters are the artists that combine both natural talent and the drive that comes from a passion for it.”

The Rational Male

“There is a saying that average frustrated chumps (AFCs) are like a bunch of crabs in a barrel. As soon as one is about to climb out there are always half a dozen ready to pull him back in again. Add to this a self-doubt from societal conditionings that tell him to stay the same, not to aspire to more, he’s doing it right, and it’s amazing that any AFC progresses beyond what he was. This has been termed the 'Societal Cockblock'; they tell him he’s compensating, and in a way they’re right, but for the wrong reason.”

The Rational Male

“There is no greater agency for a woman than to know beyond doubt that she is the only source of a man’s need for sex and intimacy. A ONEitis mindset only cements this into the understanding of both parties.”

The Rational Male

“There is no more a superior confidence for a man than one with the self-understanding that he will not compromise himself for the recognized manipulations of a woman, and the fortitude to walk away knowing he has in the past, and will in the future find a better prospect than her. This is the man who passes the shit test. It’s called 'enlightened self-interest', and a principle I wholly endorse.”

The Rational Male

“There is no One. This is the soul-mate myth. There are some good ones and some bad ones, but there is no One. Anyone telling you anything else is selling you something.”

The Rational Male

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“Our long-postponed day of financial reckoning appears finally to be at hand, and it may well turn out to be something we should not wish away.

When ordinary people are brought to understand that the state is unable to ensure their material well-being, children will again be perceived as long term assets: necessary replacements for the Social Security swindle and state-seized or inflation eroded private pension funds rather than obstacles to greater consumption.

Amid the collapse of political finance, we may be able to regain a sense of the timeless purpose of labor and wealth. Our children may learn to find the satisfaction in the simple daily fact of family survival that we were unable to find in all our economic overreaching.”

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