Rollo Tomassi Quotes Page 4


Best 146 Quotes by Rollo Tomassi – Page 4 of 5

The Rational Male Quotes

“There is no Quality Woman, that’s an idealization. Some are better than others of course, but you don’t find the perfect woman, you make the perfect woman.”

The Rational Male

“There’s nothing wrong with backing down from an argument you have with your girlfriend, but there is something wrong when you continually compromise yourself in order to 'keep the peace' with the understanding that she’ll withhold intimacy as a result of you holding your ground. That is a power play, also known as a 'shit test'.”

The Rational Male

“This is the single greatest failing of average frustrated chumps: they vomit out everything about themselves, divulging the full truth of themselves to women in the mistaken belief that women desire that truth as a basis for qualifying for their intimacy or enduring commitment. Learn this now: Women never want full disclosure.”

The Rational Male

“This is the single greatest failing of average frustrated chumps; they vomit out everything about themselves, divulging the full truth of themselves to women in the mistaken belief that women desire that truth as a basis for qualifying for their intimacy.”

The Rational Male

“We all like to think we already have open minds and we’re all perfectly rational, and perfectly capable of critical thinking.”

The Rational Male

“We filter for information to work from, not the subtle details that make communication enjoyable for women.”

The Rational Male

“What’s the chance a 30-year-old can get pregnant in one try? Many thought up to 80 percent, while in reality it’s less than 30 percent.”

The Rational Male

“Whatever you cannot say ‘No’ to is your master and makes you its slave.”

The Rational Male

“When a person internalizes a mental schema so thoroughly, and has become conditioned to it for so long, it becomes an integral part of their personality. So to attack the belief is to, literally, attack the person.

This is why we see such a violent reaction to people’s political, religious, inter-social/inter-sexual, inter-gender, etc. expressions of belief – they perceive it as a personal attack, even when presented with irrefutable, empirical evidence that challenges the veracity of those beliefs.”

The Rational Male

“When a woman makes you wait for sex you are not her highest priority.”

The Rational Male

“When we allow our thinking, our personality disorders and our mental schemas, combined with their accompanying behaviors, to determine the course of our decisions, we relinquish real power. The man who succumbs, by force or by will, to the responsibilities, liabilities and accountabilities that are required of him by society, marriage, commitment, family, fatherhood, career choice, the military, etc. leaves him very little influence over the course of his own life.”

The Rational Male

“When we compensate, we improvise, we fake it till we make it; but who determines when we’ve stopped faking it? You do.”

The Rational Male

“When women employ gossip it comes natural since it is an emotional form of communication (men have a far lower tendency to use gossip), but the purpose of it is meant to disqualify a potential sexual competitor.”

The Rational Male

“Whether in a monogamous marriage, long term relationship or a one night stand, strive for genuine desire in your relationships.”

The Rational Male

“While a good job is definitely a concrete goal of bettering oneself, being educated, on a great many subjects, and learning how to learn, is its own reward.”

The Rational Male

“Women are biologically, psychologically and sociologically the filters of their own reproduction, where as men’s reproductive methodology is to scatter as much of his genetic material as humanly possible to the widest pool of sexually available females.”

The Rational Male

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“Fashion and style have always been passions of mine for as long as I can remember. And a background in professional sales as well as in advertising and marketing was real world training for just how important your appearance is to your success.”

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“Women are every bit as calculating as men, in fact more so I’d argue because they have the mystique to hide a multitude of sins behind.”

The Rational Male

“Women are fundamentally incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved by a woman.”

The Rational Male

“Women are rewarded and reinforced by society for being elusive and, dare I say, seemingly irrational.”

The Rational Male

“Women can change their hair color, their makeup, clothes, breast size, and any number of cosmetic alteration on a whim, or as they can afford them, but the constant discontent, the constant inadequacies they complain of are rooted in their self-perceptions, not how others really perceive them.”

The Rational Male

“Women care less about the content of what’s being communicated and more about the context (the how) of what’s being communicated.”

The Rational Male

“Women crave the chemical rush that comes from suspicion and indignation. If you don’t provide it, they’ll happily get it from tabloids, romance novels, The View, Tyra Banks or otherwise living vicariously through their single girlfriends.”

The Rational Male

“Women despise a man who needs to be told to be dominant, told to be confident, told to be anything they have on their list of prerequisites for their intimacy.”

The Rational Male

“Women enjoy the communication more than the information being transferred.”

The Rational Male

“Women never want full disclosure. Nothing is more self-satisfying for a woman than to think she’s figured a man out based solely on her mythical feminine intuition (i.e. imagination).”

The Rational Male

“Women want to be with men who other women want to f*ck, and other men want to be.”

The Rational Male

“Women who want to f*ck will find a way to f*ck.”

The Rational Male

“Women will cry a river about wanting Mr. Dependable and then go off to f*ck Mr. Exciting.”

The Rational Male

“Women will f*ck. They may not f*ck you, they may not f*ck me, but they will f*ck someone.”

The Rational Male

“Women would rather share a high value man than be saddled with a faithful loser.”

The Rational Male

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“A woman develops an emotional bond with her mate through the sexual act itself.”

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