Rollo Tomassi Quotes

Best 19 Twitter post Quotes by Rollo Tomassi

Twitter post Quotes

“A small mind is easily filled by faith.”

Twitter post

“Abortion is just a failsafe for women’s bad reproductive choices.”

Twitter post

“All women go through the Hoe Phase. How they do so is up to the woman.”

Twitter post

“Average men fail to understand that all the financial, emotional, and dependable support you could offer a woman is no substitute for raw, unmitigated, chemical desire.”

Twitter post

“Chivalry is dead and Instagram killed it.”

Twitter post

“Climbing the mountain is about the view from the top, not the fear of falling off the edge.”

Twitter post

“Hope is just waiting for someone else to do what you know needs to be done.”

Twitter post

“I don’t want a woman’s submission. I want her genuine desire. Deference, loyalty, respect, admiration, implicit trust, love and lust all extend from desire, not obligation. I want your willing soul, not your necessitous servitude.”

Twitter post

“If civilization was left up to women we’d still be living in mud huts.”

Twitter post

“Instagram is funnel marketing for women in the global sexual marketplace.”

Twitter post

“Is sarcasm hidden anger?”

Twitter post

“Ladies, if you want to get and keep a man, it's really simple:

1) Stay in shape
2) Be debt free
3) Learn to Cook, clean and dress well
4) Delete your Instagram, OnlyFans, Tinder
5) No Tattoos
6) Keep your hair long
7) Make his life easier”

Twitter post

“Men do not owe women a better life. Let me be clear, you are entitled to nothing.”

Twitter post

“Most men will never experience genuine desire from a woman.”

Twitter post

“Not all women are hybristophiles, but only women are hybristophiles.”

Twitter post

“Teaching Red Pill to women is like teaching a monkey to use an ATM. You can do it, but do you really want to?”

Twitter post

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“Take any civilization and look at its collapse.

Masculinity is always in retreat at the latter stages.”

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“Women are never responsible for their own choices. There will always be some guy ready to absolve them of the consequences by making them men's responsibilities.

It's women's ultimate failsafe. Whatever a woman's sin, it is always a man's failure for her choosing it.”

Twitter post

“Women would rather be objectified than idealized.”

Twitter post

“Women’s only real agency in life is their sexuality. It’s why they always get naked when they want attention.”

Twitter post