Ruby Dhal Quotes

Best 30 Quotes by Ruby Dhal

“Meeting people is never an accident.”

“Words are just words at the end of the day.”

“You are all you have. Something that I used to tell myself when I was knee deep in the quicksand of pain. I forgot it over time, as you do when you meet people wrapped in promises of forever and 'I love you' at the tip of their tongue, people who soften your jarred edges with love and laughter and welcome you into their arms, and heart, until you no longer believe that you're alone.”

Facebook post Quotes

“We need to accept that our wishes won’t always be granted but that’s because something better is envisioned for us, and we need to accept that our plan may not always work because there is a plan much bigger than us that incorporates us all, and we need to accept the most important thing – that what doesn’t break us only makes us stronger, and that is what the lesson should be; we must find strength in our scars and search for light in the dark and if we cannot find it, we must become the light and we must keep going. We must keep going.”

Facebook post

“You need to accept that life will not always go to plan, but that doesn’t mean that what’s happening is not supposed to happen.”

Facebook post

Memories Unwound Quotes

“I've stopped.
I've stopped giving
parts of myself
to help heal others,
because in the end
when they start to
feel complete again,
I am the one that
ends up with
all the missing pieces”

Memories Unwound

My Hope For Tomorrow Quotes

“All we can do is accept it, all we can do is hope that the pain will turn into something positive one day. All we can do is try to be as good to people as we can, even when we are hurting them.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“All you need to do is take a step forward, all you need to do is embrace life. Just like you always have every time someone walked away.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“And in the end, it is the person who loves you for who you are and does not try to change you in any way – that is whom your heart belongs to.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Become unafraid of making mistakes.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Do not think that you do not have any ambitions, just because you do not have a set plan.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Do you know what is amazing? When you finally look in the mirror and tell yourself, ‘I am so proud of how far I have come, and I have a long beautiful journey ahead’.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“It is not loving that you should be afraid of – it is giving your love to the wrong person. That is what the lesson should be, and that is all that you should be taking from heartbreak.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“It is simple, isn’t it? Waiting for someone to love you back is like knocking on a door that will never open.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Letting go means accepting that something better is meant for you, it means appreciating your worth and moving”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Loneliness is not always felt, but it is there at the back of your mind – just like every memory they left behind is. But most of the time, loneliness is there on nights when you have only yourself to speak to. That is when loneliness hits you the most.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

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“It never feels like it
but the more your break down
the more you let the tears out
the more you let go enough to feel whatever
comes up for you

The more you heal.”

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“Look at you – hurting, breaking and grieving over and over again, but still living, still healing and still growing through it over and over again.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Love is the kind of happiness that fills you with so much warmth that you learn to live again.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Love moves you to wish well for others, love moves you to pray for children suffering in war-torn countries and help those who are in need.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Meeting people is never an accident. Someone can't walk in and out of your life without reason. Lessons and the growth that you experience are never spontaneous. It is always meant to be. There's a higher purpose, an end beyond you and I, which we will never know until we reach it. So, I want you to stop treating your experiences as casual occurrences that randomly took place and start looking for a deeper meaning, an end or a goal. Something that helps you flourish, that teaches you the important lessons that only people and their existence can provide you.

There is a plan – and you must find it if you want to conquer it. Think about it, in a world consisting of over 7.53 billion people, each capable of teaching you something – why did your path cross with this person? It was because you needed a particular lesson at this point in your life. Think about it deeply, only then will you stop treating your growth as an accident and start appreciating it as a beautiful journey meant just for you.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“No one else can fight the monsters in your head, or deal with your insecurities, or fulfil your dreams.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“One day someone will walk into your life and, no matter what, they will never leave your side. And that is when you will realize that true love stays – it always stays.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Only a few people can delve inside your soul through your eyes in an instant. It is odd to think that you could know someone for years and they still do not know who you truly are, and you could know someone for just a few weeks, but they manage to find out your deepest, darkest secrets without you having to say a thing. These people only come occasionally, often once in a whole lifetime.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Sometimes things need to end before new beginnings can arise,
sometimes people need to break so that they can truly heal,
and sometimes love needs to leave before it can return in a different way.
In the right way.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“Sometimes we lose people and then recognize their worth rather than it being the other way around. We forget that we have the potential to hurt those who love us, and to make mistakes, and to carry regret on our shoulders when it should have been left behind.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“The best way to live through heartache and every trouble in life is to become stronger, and to learn to accept that things will not always go the way we want them to, but sometimes they will, and it is those little moments of happiness and love that we must live for.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“They always seem to come when I do not know what to do with them. I wish I had all the answers.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“We need to learn to be strong in the face of despair, because that is the only way we will appreciate the strength that can be found in our scars. That is the only way we will understand that overcoming our obstacles gives us the willpower to deal with so much more in life. That is the only way we will accept that strength is earned, not given, that strength is in being soft, not stone-hearted.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“When I look at you, I see a warrior, a fighter – someone who did not let themselves stay broken for too long. But sometimes I am unable to comprehend how, despite it all, you became this way.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

“You are so much more than this. More than yesterday’s experiences and today’s lessons, and so much more than what tomorrow will have in store.”

My Hope For Tomorrow

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“People with so-called 'female Autism' may be able to make eye contact, carry on a conversation, or hide their tics and sensory sensitivities.

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