Russell Brunson Quotes Page 3


Best 196 Quotes by Russell Brunson – Page 3 of 7

“Keep putting your message out there and it will be worth it at the end.”

“Live your life in a way that inspires and transforms people.”

“Making money isn’t what gives me inspiration. It’s the thought of being called to change the world that changed everything for me.”

“No matter how agreeable you are… not everyone is going to like you.”

“No matter how successful you are, block out time for what’s really important to you.”

“Nobody owes you anything, life is what you make of it.”

“Not everyone is going to agree with the decisions you make. Prepare to offend some people. Upset some people. And even lose some people along the way. To make the decisions you need to, in order to grow!”

“Nothing is worth it if you’re not happy.”

“Now is the perfect time to forget your past, forgive yourself, and begin again.”

“One of my top marketing secrets: Become obsessed with your average cart value.”

“Our job as marketers is to break people’s false beliefs.”

“People who pay, pay attention.”

“Prepare yourself today for tomorrow.”

“Put your heart and soul into the things you do. Stay up late nights, wake up early mornings, and put everything into your art.”

“Putting it out there is how you get feedback. You find out what works, what doesn’t work, and the changes you need to make. And that’s when the business actually begins.”

“Remember when you wanted what you currently have? Stay grateful.”

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“Sell the thing that sells the thing.”

“Set your goals high and work like crazy. Do whatever it takes.”

“Smile knowing that you built your house upon a rock which no one can disturb.”

“Some people sign up for the goal, but don’t sign up for the discomfort that comes along with the goal.”

“Some people will only love you if you fit into their box. Don’t be afraid to toss out their idea of who you should be.”

“Start producing more than you are consuming in all aspects of life!”

“Stop comparing yourself to people who started ten years before you. Focus on your own journey.”

“Stop focusing on people that don’t like you and focus on the people that you are serving.”

“Stop letting your potential go to waste because you don’t feel confident or ready enough. People with half your talent are making serious waves while you’re still waiting to feel ready. You were given these dreams and goals for a reason.”

“Stop, step back, and figure out the big domino that can take care of everything.”

“The best person you can ever be is yourself.”

“The difference between champions and the people who aren't is pushing through the tough times.”

“The hardest step to take is the first one… then each one after that becomes a little easier.”

“The journey to success is a marathon… it’s not a sprint. If you aren’t winning right now, you’ve got to keep playing the game.”

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