Russell Brunson Quotes Page 5


Best 196 Quotes by Russell Brunson – Page 5 of 7

“When you feel like giving up, remember your end goal.”

“When you find your passion, you lose your ‘off switch'.

“When you keep pushing ahead, the doors and the opportunities will open up to give you the ability to shine!”

“When you know your worth, you do not need another to confirm it.”

“When you work hard, serve people, and try to change their lives… amazing things happen.”

“Who is your dream customer?”

“Why be jealous when you could be inspired? While you’re busy hating on them, I’m busy learning from them.”

“Wins and losses don’t mean everything, it’s who you become during the journey.”

“You are not a machine. Your best will look different every day.”

“You can serve others by looking outward.”

“You could have the best product in the world, but if no one knows about it, then it’s worthless.”

“You have life experiences and talents that others don’t have that do give you an unfair advantage. By getting your process to work for others, you lose those unfair advantages and you have to adjust your process to make up for those shortcomings.”

“You have the ability to shift your state and show up the way you need to be.”

“You must be publishing or you will never become relevant.”

“You need people in your life that are further along than you. People that have a bigger vision. People that are more experienced. People that are out of your league. You need to be exposed to new levels so that you can go to new levels.”

“You would be surprised at who is watching your journey and being inspired by it.”

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“You’re not going to win every single time, but the more you practice, the better you’ll become!”

“You’re not just selling a product you’re selling a result.”

“You’re not supposed to have your life figured out at 20, 30, or even at 40…”

“You’re one funnel away from the life, business, and marriage you desire to have.”

“You’ve got to be excited first. If you’re not excited about what you’re doing, then it becomes a grind.”

“Your customers are already out there… You just need to meet them where they are.”

“Your customers are on your side, so long as you’re not trying to hide stuff from them.”

“Your journey will never look like someone else’s. It’s unique and incomparable.”

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“A confused mind always says no.”

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“Even if you do nothing else, you should seriously consider including an 'order form bump' into your sales sequence. Add a small box on the order form which they can click to add a paid product (perhaps priced in the $30 - $40 price range) to the free product they are about to order. Tests have shown on average about one out of every three people who order the free product will also add in the paid product as well.”

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“If you change your bait, you’ll change your customer.”

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“One of the fundamental rules of marketing is that a confused mind always says no.”

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“The hook gets your customer’s attention, the story creates desire, and the last step of every message, post, email, and video is the offer.”

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“The problem is you can’t spend enough to acquire a customer, and the way to fix that problem is to fix your sales funnel.”

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