Sahil Bloom Quotes

Best 22 Instagram post Quotes by Sahil Bloom

Instagram post Quotes

“Always pursue the path that has the larger luck surface area.”

Instagram post

“Be interested in everyone you encounter.”

Instagram post

“Deathbed Regret: Not spending enough time with my kids during the 'magic years'.

There’s a devastatingly short window of time during which you are your child’s entire world.

After it, they have friends/partners that fill that role.

I refuse to miss those precious years.”

Instagram post

“Do a few things that you'll be excited to tell your kids about someday. Create stories worth telling.”

Instagram post

“Give people a second chance, but never a third.”

Instagram post

“If someone tries to put down your accomplishments, cut them out of your life.”

Instagram post

“If you want to get better at anything, do it for 30 minutes per day for 30 straight days.”

Instagram post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“If you're about to say yes to something on the assumption that you'll have more time for it in the future, say 'no' instead.”

Instagram post

“Life Hack: Spend 15 minutes each evening setting up the priority task for the next morning.

Your natural bias as a human is to do the easiest thing.

If you leave it to chance, you’ll become a rocking horse, always moving, but never going anywhere.

Determine the highest priority, important projext, and set it up the night before so you can hit the ground with intensity the next morning.

Try it — you won’t regret it!”

Instagram post

“Make decisions that your 80-year-old self and 10-year-old self would be proud of.”

Instagram post

“My 3 daily non-negotiables:

1. Move my body
2. Work on something meaningful
3. Express gratitude

If I do those 3 consistently, everything else magically falls into place.”

Instagram post

“Never delay difficult conversations.”

Instagram post

“Never take advice from people on the sidelines.”

Instagram post

“Never think twice about investments in yourself. They pay dividends for a long time.”

Instagram post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“One of my strongly held beliefs: 90% of being great at anything is just wanting to be great at the thing.

The rule applies to careers, relationships, fitness, and more.”

Instagram post

“Reread your favorite books annually.

You may read thousands of books in your life, but there will only be a few that deeply change you. Reread them every single year.”

Instagram post

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“If you spend your time, worth $20-25 per hour, doing something that someone else will do for $10 per hour, it's simply a poor use of resources.”

More quotes by Tim Ferriss

“Rule for Life:

Focus on things people will remember (the rest will take care of itself).”

Instagram post

“Spend more time doing things you never regret.”

Instagram post

“The best relationship advice I’ve heard:

Make a list of the values that are most important for you to find in a partner, then go out and embody them yourself.

When you embody them yourself, you begin to attract those that are aligned.”

Instagram post

“Tough but important advice: Give people a second chance, but never a third.

Once someone has consistently shown you who they are and the values they embody, there’s very little good that comes from giving them more chances.

You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to be changed. We all need to stop chasing the people who are running away from us with their actions.”

Instagram post

“Wanting to be right is a dangerous thing. Your rational mind can be the worst thing in healing your relationship.”

Instagram post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“When you think something nice about someone, let them know right then.”

Instagram post

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“Most problems are easily fixed. 90% of issues can be solved by a good sleep, a glass of water, a gym session, a walk outdoors or a chat with a friend.

Often you’ll find that low mood is accompanied by certain physical, habitual or environmental routines like staying in bed, being solitary, not eating or drinking well.

These are not a coping mechanism, they are a worsening mechanism. Avoid them at all costs.”

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