Salman Rushdie Quotes
Best The Ground Beneath Her Feet Quotes by Salman Rushdie
The Ground Beneath Her Feet Quotes
“A photograph is a moral decision taken in one eighth of a second.”
The Ground Beneath Her Feet
“The only people who see the whole picture are the ones who step out of the frame.”
The Ground Beneath Her Feet
“Whenever someone who knows you disappears, you lose one version of yourself. Yourself as you were seen, as you were judged to be. Lover or enemy, mother or friend, those who know us construct us, and their several knowings slant the different facets of our characters like diamond-cutter's tools. Each such loss is a step leading to the grave, where all versions blend and end.”
The Ground Beneath Her Feet
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“And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
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