Scott Galloway Quotes


Best 40 Quotes by Scott Galloway – Page 1 of 2

“Getting a good job, working long hours, keeping your skills relevant, navigating the politics of an organization, finding a live/work balance... these are all really hard. In contrast, respecting institutions, having manners, demonstrating a level of humility... these are all (relatively) easy. Get the easy stuff right. In and of themselves they will not make you successful. However, not possessing them will hold you back and you will not achieve your potential.”

“Separate people from ideology, or you give up access to 50% of potential relationships and allies.”

Adrift Quotes

“The nation once idolized astronauts and civil rights leaders who inspired hope and empathy. Now it worships tech innovators who generate billions and move financial markets. We get the heroes we deserve.”


Post Corona Quotes

“Altruistic behavior decreases in times of greater income inequality. The rich are more generous in times of lesser inequality and less generous when inequality grows more extreme.”

Post Corona

“Consumers don’t want more choice, but more confidence in the choices presented. Choice is a tax on time and attention. Customers want someone else to do the research and curate the options for them.”

Post Corona

“Gap years should be the norm, not the exception. An increasingly ugly secret of campus life is that a mix of helicopter parenting and social media has rendered many 18-year-olds unfit for college. Ninety percent of kids who defer and take a gap year return to college and are more likely to graduate, with better grades.”

Post Corona

“In the past decade, we have transitioned from an innovation economy to an exploitation economy. Innovation is dangerous and unpredictable. It changes market dynamics and creates opportunities for nimble new players to steal share from established players.”

Post Corona

“We like to position education as the great leveler. But in fact it has become a caste system, a means of passing privilege on to the next generation.”

Post Corona

“What we experience is change, not time. Aristotle observed that time does not exist without change, because what we call time is simply our measurement of the difference between 'before' and 'after'.”

Post Corona

The Algebra of Happiness Quotes

“Balance when establishing your career, in my view, is largely a myth. 'Struggle p*rn' will tell you that you must be miserable before you can be successful. This isn’t true: you can experience a lot of reward along the way to success. But if balance is your priority in your youth, then you need to accept that, unless you are a genius, you may not reach the upper rungs of economic security.”

The Algebra of Happiness

“I believe most people are especially repelled by attributes in other people that remind them of things they loathe about themselves.”

The Algebra of Happiness

“I tell my students that nothing wonderful, I’m talking really fantastic, will happen without taking a risk and subjecting yourself to rejection. Serendipity is a function of courage.”

The Algebra of Happiness

“Love was a willingness to take the life you’ve built for yourself and tear it up for the other person.”

The Algebra of Happiness

“Pay special attention to things that bring you joy that don’t involve mind-altering substances or a lot of money. Whether it’s cooking, capoeira, the guitar, or mountain biking, interests and hobbies add texture to your personality. Being 'in the zone' is happiness. You lose the sense of time, forget yourself, and feel part of something larger.”

The Algebra of Happiness

“The number one piece of advice seniors would give to their younger selves is that they wish they’d been less hard on themselves.”

The Algebra of Happiness

“You want to cover more ground in less time than your peers. This is partially built on talent, but mostly on strategy and endurance.”

The Algebra of Happiness

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“Hey motherf*cker.
Yeah, you.

Get 8 hours of sleep, stand up straight, look people in the eye, dress nice, lift heavy shit, eat well.

You're someone of value. Treat yourself like it.”

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The Four Quotes

“A study found that on Facebook, the top descriptors to complete the phrase 'My husband is...' are 'the best', 'my best friend', 'amazing', 'the greatest', and 'so cute'. On Google, under the cloak of anonymity, one of the top five ways to complete that phrase is also 'amazing'. The other four: 'a jerk', 'annoying', 'gay', and 'mean'.”

The Four

“Brands are two things: promise and performance.”

The Four

“Consider that the telephone took 75 years to reach 50 million users, whereas television was in 50 million households within 13 years, the internet in 4, and Angry Birds in 35 days. In the tech era, the pace is accelerating further: it took Microsoft Office 22 years to reach a billion users, but Gmail only 12, and Facebook 9.”

The Four

“Don’t follow your passion, follow your talent. Determine what you are good at (early), and commit to becoming great at it. You don't have to love it, just don't hate it. If practice takes you from good to great, the recognition and compensation you will command will make you start to love it. And, ultimately, you will be able to shape your career and your specialty to focus on the aspects you enjoy the most. And if not — make good money and then go follow your passion. No kid dreams of being a tax accountant. However, the best tax accountants on the planet fly first class and marry people better looking than themselves—both things they are likely to be passionate about.”

The Four

“Entrepreneurs are usually enamored with the preciousness of their product vs. something that can scale.”

The Four

“Expect that a certain amount of failure is out of your control, and recognize you may need to endure it or move on.”

The Four

“Failure and invention are inseparable twins. To invent you have to experiment, and if you know in advance that it’s going to work, it’s not an experiment.”

The Four

“History favors the bold. Compensation favors the meek. As a Fortune 500 company CEO, you’re better off taking the path often traveled and staying the course. Big companies may have more assets to innovate with, but they rarely take big risks or innovate at the cost of cannibalizing a current business. Neither would they chance alienating suppliers or investors. They play not to lose, and shareholders reward them for it—until those shareholders walk and buy Amazon stock.

Most boards ask management: 'How can we build the greatest advantage for the least amount of capital/investment?' Amazon reverses the question: 'What can we do that gives us an advantage that’s hugely expensive, and that no one else can afford?'

Why? Because Amazon has access to capital with lower return expectations than peers. Reducing shipping times from two days to one day? That will require billions. Amazon will have to build smart warehouses near cities, where real estate and labor are expensive. By any conventional measure, it would be a huge investment for a marginal return. But for Amazon, it’s all kinds of perfect. Why? Because Macy’s, Sears, and Walmart can’t afford to spend billions getting the delivery times of their relatively small online businesses down from two days to one.

Consumers love it, and competitors stand flaccid on the sidelines. In 2015, Amazon spent $7 billion on shipping fees, a net shipping loss of $5 billion, and overall profits of $2.4 billion. Crazy, no? No. Amazon is going underwater with the world’s largest oxygen tank, forcing other retailers to follow it, match its prices, and deal with changed customer delivery expectations. The difference is other retailers have just the air in their lungs and are drowning. Amazon will surface and have the ocean of retail largely to itself.”

The Four

“If you want to work for Vogue, produce films, or open a restaurant, you had better get immense psychological reward from your gig, as the comp, and returns on your efforts, will likely suck. Competition will be fierce, and even if you manage to get in, you'll be easily replaceable, as there are always younger, hipper candidates nipping at your heels. Very few high-school graduates dream of working for Exxon, but a big firm in a large sector would give you a career trajectory with regular promotions a sexy industry won't.”

The Four

“It is conventional wisdom that Steve Jobs put 'a dent in the universe'. No, he didn’t. Steve Jobs, in my view, spat on the universe. People who get up every morning, get their kids dressed, get them to school, and have an irrational passion for their kids’ well-being, dent the universe. The world needs more homes with engaged parents, not a better f*cking phone.”

The Four

“It seems impossible until it isn’t.”

The Four

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”

The Four

“Luxury is irrational, which makes it the best business in the world.”

The Four

“My experience in traditional firms is that anything new is seen as innovative, and the people assigned to it, like any parent, become irrationally passionate about the project and refuse to acknowledge just how stupid and ugly your little project has become.”

The Four

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