Shad Helmstetter Quotes Page 2
Best 91 Quotes by Shad Helmstetter – Page 2 of 4
Negative Self-Talk and How to Change It Quotes
“Don’t pass along your negative Self-Talk to someone else. After all, that’s how you got it in the first place!”
“It is also because the brain stores – and wires in – repeated messages, that you end up believing things about you that you tell yourself most often. The complete ‘you’ that you believe you are today, is the combined result of years of messages, both from the world around you and, most importantly, from your own self-talk.”
“The first was that I would never again give in to negative programming, of any kind, in my own life, if I could help it in any way. The second decision I made in this area was that I would research the concept of self-talk and programming, and explore the science behind the concept.”
“The following few questions will tell you if Negative Self-Talk Disorder may be a problem in your own life:
Do you often think negative thoughts?
Do you feel ‘down’ or depressed for no apparent reason?
Do you have trouble focusing on your goals and accomplishing the things you want to accomplish?
Do you argue more than you should?
Do you often feel that life is working against you?
Do you feel you are not in control of your future?
Do you put off or procrastinate doing the things you need to do?
Do you often see the worst first and the best last?
Do you talk about yourself in any way that puts you down or makes you think less of yourself?
Do you find that you are self-critical, and often critical of others?
Is a noticeable amount of your self-talk each day made up of negative thoughts?
Do you have trouble seeing the world, and life in general, as bright and as positive as you would like it to be?
Do you find that you have stopped believing in your dreams, and have started to believe that those dreams are no longer true for you?”
“The key to failure is the repetition of a belief in failure. Negative self-talk is the repetition of a belief in failure.”
“The most important chemical process necessary to wiring or rewiring your brain is repetition. The brain is designed to pay attention to, and store, the messages that are repeated most often.”
“The problem is that Negative Self-Talk Disorder is an unconsciously acquired disorder that becomes physically, chemically, wired into your brain. If you do nothing to change it, it not only stays, it also gets progressively worse. It becomes a part of your programs, and follows the rules under which your brain operates.”
“What you believe about anything is not a measure of its correctness. What you believe about anything is a measure of the programs you have that support your belief.”
Self-Talk for Self-Esteem Quotes
“An integral part of developing healthy self-esteem are the values that are part of positive self-esteem itself – values such as taking personal responsibility for yourself, showing genuine compassion for others, making good choices, exercising self-discipline, using manners, being mindful, and having balance in all things.”
“‹It is a fact of the makeup of the human mind that you become most how you describe yourself most. You live up to, or down to, the image you create of yourself in your mind. And what creates this picture of yourself that you carry in your mind? The number one source for the beliefs you carry about you is your self-talk.”
“It has been estimated that, in the average individual, 77% or more of their unconscious programs are negative and may be working against them.”
“It’s been my experience that many people who suffer low self-esteem allow it to go on because they believe there is nothing they can do about it; that’s just life, and they believe they have to accept what life sends them.”
Self-Talk for Stress, Anxiety and Depression Quotes
“If enough of your programs are negative, your self-talk will also be negative. This is because your present self-talk is the result of the programs you already have that are the strongest. The rule is: Negative programs equal negative self-talk.”
“Most of our stress is the result of mental programs that tell us what we cannot overcome.”
“People who have trained their brains to think in the positive, actually wire more neural networks into the left prefrontal cortex of their brain.”
“The person who receives better, healthier, more positive programs will, over time, virtually always do better than the person who receives unhealthy, negative programs.”
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“The best thing about the past is that it's over. The best thing about the future is that it's yet to come. The best thing about the present is that it's here now.”
“The right self-talk wires your brain to focus on finding solutions, taking action, creating more self-confidence, and giving you more peace of mind – exactly the mental states that help you get rid of stress.”
“Together, those inaccurate messages, through lifelong repetition, have created every negative belief you have about yourself today. Your self-doubts, your imagined inadequacies, most of your fears, and everything you believe incorrectly about who you are today, are the result of the repetition of inaccurate messages to your brain.”
The Gift Quotes
“The greatest stories about people, and what they achieved in their lives, are the stories of those people who chose to dream, and then went on to make their dreams come to life. Not surprisingly, there are no success stories written about people who have no dreams.”
“The world is made up of those who take control of their choices—and those who don’t. Those who succeed use this tool every day they live, from the moment they find it. What an incredible gift this tool is! You get to make the choices that can change your life.”
The Power of Neuroplasticity Quotes
“Because of the way your brain will unconsciously duplicate neural activity of the person you’re with, anyone you spend your time with can imprint your brain with their programs. And neither of you will know it is.”
“Your conscious intention to do something increases your brain’s ability to wire in new ideas!”
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself Quotes
“Any motivation that comes to you from an outside source, no matter how exciting or powerful that motivation may feel at the moment, cannot be stored by your brain.”
“‹Remember, the subconscious mind will believe anything you tell it if you tell it long enough and strongly enough.”
“‹Your feelings about anything you do will affect how you do it. It doesn’t have to be feelings of like or dislike, joy or fear; all of your feelings affect your actions.”
“For any personal growth concept to be successful, it has to be simple. It has to be easy to use. It has to be easy to put into practice. And it has to work.”
“From this day on, you can, if you choose, change a little to gain a lot.”
“Give life to your dreams, give strength to your visions, and give light to your path.”
“How often do you suppose you were told what you can do or what you can accomplish in life?”
“How successful you will be at anything is inexorably tied directly to the words and beliefs about yourself that you have stored in your subconscious mind.”
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Shad Helmstetter Sources
- All quotes by Shad Helmstetter (91 quotes)
- Negative Self-Talk and How to Change It (9 quotes)
- Self-Talk for Self-Esteem (4 quotes)
- Self-Talk for Stress, Anxiety and Depression (6 quotes)
- The Gift (2 quotes)
- The Power of Neuroplasticity (2 quotes)
- What to Say When You Talk to Yourself (39 quotes)
- Other quotes by Shad Helmstetter (29 quotes)