Stephanie Klein Quotes


Best 31 Quotes by Stephanie Klein – Page 1 of 2

“Don't be so damn hard on yourself. Yeah, you screwed up. You're not perfect, fine. Learn from it. But don't punish yourself. Be kind to you, even when you screw up. You'll bounce back eventually. You'll make up for it.”

“I already knew to eat clean and listen to my body, to only eat when I was in a calm mental state. Everyone knew. But when you're fat in the head, it's never about knowing the answers. It's about living them.”

“I can trace every romance of my life back to a meal. My memories are enhanced by the tender morsels had at tables across from lovers, on blankets with friends who'd eventually become more, in banquets, barbecues, and breakfasts.”

“I could stand to lose 10 or 15 pounds, but honestly, I'm happy the way I am. I feel comfortable with it. I'd rather have that extra 10, 15 pounds on me than live a lifestyle of trying to sustain this unattainable weight.”

“I hated the reflection in the mirror. I wanted so much to be someone else. I thought that if I was thinner, the rest of my life would change.”

“I spent my whole single life trying to be thin just to find someone who'd love me once I got fat.”

“I'm human. But overall, whenever I see anyone being made fun of or given a hard time, I rush to their defense. I want to help them because I know how it feels.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“It's about not rewarding your children with food, not always celebrating with food. I do think it's important to find other ways to comfort our children and ourselves, to work other ways of celebrating and rewarding.”

“On the whole, a woman isn't keen on her mother-in-law if she's controlling, disapproving, or interfering. Mine is a triple major in the 'ings' and took extra night classes in calculating just for kicks. The woman is a hate nerd.”

“Stop caring what other people think. How? Understand that this is your life, not theirs, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself if things don't work out the way you'd hoped. Their opinion shouldn't matter more than your own.”

“That's the thing about being a former fat camp champ: when asked if I'd change my past if I could, I always answer no. The pain of being an overweight kid, the humiliation, make you think twice before ever cutting anyone else down.”

“There's something almost perfect in the ugly duckling syndrome. Because a sensitivity is tattooed on a part of you no one else can see but can somehow guess is there.”

“When we die, no one remembers us for what we weighed. Our weight isn't etched into our headstones.”

“Women in our generation, we were taught we can be and do anything as long as we work hard. But you can't work hard enough for two people.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


Moose Quotes

“I'd heard it all the time, 'Live in the moment.' But if I did that, I'd weigh more than a dump truck. Losing weight wasn't about the moment at all; it was about having faith in the future. It was about knowing there would be another meal in a few hours.”


“The times in my life when I've been my thinnest, I've been a walking psycho wreck. Forget the fact that I was basically starving myself; skinny was usually due to some kind of loss. Death. Rejection. Divorce.”


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“Wanna live longer? Live a low stress life. Remember that most of your stress is based on how you perceive it.”

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“The way I see it, love is an amusement park, and food its souvenir.”


Straight Up and Dirty Quotes

“'Meant to be' allows for lazy. The idea of destiny alleviates anxiety; it comforts us. We stop believing that we had ownership, that we could have done something to change the outcome. It's lazier than The Clapper.”

Straight Up and Dirty

“Here's what I've learned about 'soon'; it's short for 'someday'. We make space in our lives for what matters, now. Not in promises and soons, but on mantels with sterling frames, in shelves we clear to make room for our now. Everything else is talk.”

Straight Up and Dirty

“I want you to think of two different situations. First, remember times when you've felt your best, at the top of your game, alive and vibrant. Pay attention to your posture, the muscles in your face, your breathing. Then, I want you to think of occasions where you've felt sick or anxious. Don't just think of people. Think of activities. This will help us reveal what makes you happy. Pay attention to how your body responds to these scenarios – it will serve as your biggest indicator in the future when you're actually doing things.”

Straight Up and Dirty

“If someone wants to lead a double life, they will find a way to do it. And they can promise you things until your nerves unfold and you can finally put up your feet. But it can all be a lie. There are no guarantees, even when people mean what they say at the time. People change their minds. People die. And the hurt is as real as a baseball bat.”

Straight Up and Dirty

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“It was a newsflash to me that dating as a pre-thirty divorcette was as bad as having herpes.”

Straight Up and Dirty

“Maybe that's what really mattered? Living in the now, and all that crap about the past being over? The future hasn't happened, and today is forever?”

Straight Up and Dirty

“Most men were either like funnel cake: delicious and interesting, but who at the end of the day just aren’t good for the heart or complexion. Or they were celery: a sensible, healthy choice that didn’t really bring much to the table but an occasional crunch. If you OD on celery, you end up bingeing on cake behind closed doors.

Funnel cake, while warm and delicious, is difficult to make. But you go there because you long for it like the double-twist stomach-dropping roller coaster as soon as you arrive at the amusement park. Wet ribbons of batter crackle and pop until golden and crisp, yielding in the center. The steamy swirls of tender yellow dough absorb confectioners’ sugar like pores. When the luxurious fat melts on your tongue, you exhale. You’ve got sticky batter, dribbling down spouts, leaving rings on your clean countertops, splattering oil growing darker and beginning to smoke. Layers of paper towels and oil-draining weapons clutter your space. With funnel cake, you’ve got steps to follow. Procedures. Rules.

No one makes rules about celery. It’s always around for the snacking. You choose it when you’re dieting or trying not to consume too many wings over football. Come to think of it, you don’t even bother eating it when you diet. Instead it’s a conduit for blue cheese. You use it to make stocks and stuffing. It becomes filler, pantry almost.”

Straight Up and Dirty

“My therapist told me I need to learn to love myself. It sounds easy enough, but really, how do you just wake up one day and learn that? It feels like something you should just do involuntarily, like swallowing or blinking, but now I have to work on it. It feels so forced. I mean, I know I went to a good school, and people tell me I'm smart and creative, but I don't know that. I don't know how to make myself feel that.”

Straight Up and Dirty

“Remember, it's okay to feel sad, but just try to limit your bouts with it to an hour a day. Let it all out, give yourself that time to heal, nurture and comfort yourself. You won't heal unless you grieve. Grieving is good. It takes courage to grieve.”

Straight Up and Dirty

“Tell the truth or someone will tell it for you. ”

Straight Up and Dirty

“What we wait around a lifetime for with one person, we can find in a moment with someone else.”

Straight Up and Dirty

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“With relationships, I always had a reason why some time in the future would be better for me than it was that day. When I was fat, I thought I'd feel pretty when I was thin, and when I was thin, I thought I'd be happier if I was more toned and muscular and had more money to look more coordinated. I wasn't comfortable in my own skin unless there was a man there to tell me just how radiant that skin looked. I was a victim of low self-esteem and had the Soon syndrome bad. I was running toward a brighter future, unaware of the mirages I'd created in the distance.”

Straight Up and Dirty

“You have to stop preemptively ending things before they even start. I know you're afraid of making yourself vulnerable, but if you keep impeding things before they even begin, just out of fear, you'll never know.”

Straight Up and Dirty

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“Hara Hachi Bu means to eat until you are eight parts (out of ten) full. Instead of eating until you are stuffed aim to eat to 80% fullness. This helps you avoid overeating and bloating while improving digestion.”

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