Steve Pavlina Quotes

Best Living Paycheck to Paycheck Quote by Steve Pavlina

Living Paycheck to Paycheck Quotes

“You must assume 100% responsibility for your financial life. If you're going to improve your situation, you have to put the full burden of doing so squarely on your own shoulders. First and foremost, you must hold yourself responsible.”

Living Paycheck to Paycheck

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“The Wealth Game Plan:

- Take responsibility for your financial circumstances.
- Improve every day – engage in perpetual, daily self-improvement. Read to learn, not to entertain.
- Pursue your dreams and your goals – do not put your ladder on someone else’s wall.
- Set good goals and avoid bad goals – good goals are tied to your dreams and your vision of the ideal person you want to become in the future. Bad goals are goals designed to increase the stuff you own.
- Never quit on your dreams and goals.
- Forge good habits and avoid bad habits – good habits help you become better and move you forward. Bad habits do the opposite.
- Associate with upbeat, happy, enthusiastic, success-minded people and limit your exposure to negative, toxic people.
- Never gamble.
- Save 20% or more of your income first, before spending anything.
- Control your thoughts and emotions.
- Never say what is on your mind – control the words that come out of your mouth.
- Never gossip.
- Seek out mentors who have done what you want to do.
- Never criticize, condemn or complain.
- Exercise every day, aerobically and anaerobically.
- Eat healthy every day.
- Moderate the bad (eating junk food, watching TV, Internet, drinking alcohol, etc.).
- Live for tomorrow – delay gratification in the pursuit of your dreams and goals.
- Create a clear vision of your ideal, future life – this becomes your new identity and your new behaviors, thinking and habits will become the behaviors, thinking and habits of the future you.
- Never lie, cheat or steal.
- Be faithful to your spouse, friends, co-workers, customers, and mentors.
- Meet or exceed expectations others have in you.
- Take educated risks and avoid uneducated risks.
- Experiment until you find your inner talents and devote the rest of your life practicing and perfecting those talents.
- Like or love what you do for a living.
- Provide superior, value-added service or products to others.
- Be a cheerleader not a booleader.
- Become a virtuoso in whatever it is you do for a living.
- Have multiple sources of income – never depend on one source of income.
- Have a positive, optimistic, success-minded mental outlook.
- Sleep at least 7 hours a day.
- Embrace mistakes/failures – they are your teachers.
- Be frugal with your money.
- Avoid spontaneous or emotional spending.
- Avoid want spending.
- Never supersize your life – don’t increase your spending as your income increases.
- Seek happiness in events, not stuff.
- Focus on one task at a time – don’t make multi-tasking a habit.
- See wealth as good and poverty as bad.
- Ask for what you want in life.
- Seek feedback from others.
- Never make decisions out of fear.
- Obey and follow laws and rules – there is no shortcut to success.
- Minimize or avoid “do-nothing” habits – these are time-wasting habits that do not help you improve or move you forward in life.
- Patiently pursue your dreams and goals – success takes a long time.
- Treat everyone you meet with respect until they prove they do not deserve it.”

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