Steven Crowder Quotes

Best 10 Quotes by Steven Crowder

“Death is not only a passing on but a time for everyone else to truthfully reflect on one's life.”

“Essentially, Robin Hood put a smackdown on the medieval equivalent of the IRS.”

“For years, young adults have adopted extremely liberal world views in their attempts to be different, ultimately failing to see the irony that they've all become the same.”

“How can the country that created electricity, the light bulb, modern cinema as we know it, and the Oscar Meyer Weenie Whistle not be purely awesome?”

“I know everybody says that their bride was the 'most beautiful in the world.'

They're wrong. I win.”

“Is discipline (both mental and physical) in place of coddling truly child abuse?

I don't know, but it sure as hell is effective.”

“It would almost seem that – dare I say this – private transportation is more efficient than mass public-transit!”

Book of the Week

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“One doesn't need to be religious nor a rocket scientist to see the value of abstinence.”

“Real or not, when a person denies God, they often try and fill that higher power void with something else.”

“When it comes to the liberal agenda, it's more important to pigeonhole people than it is to speak the truth.”

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“We need more people speaking out. This country is not overrun with rebels & free thinkers. It's overrun with sheep & conformists.”

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