Stewart Brand Quotes Page 3


Best 86 Quotes by Stewart Brand – Page 3 of 3

The Clock of the Long Now Quotes

“Historians will consider this a dark age. Science historians can read Galileo's technical correspondence from the 1590s but not Marvin Minsky's from the 1960s.”

The Clock of the Long Now

“Imagine a world in which time seems to vanish and space becomes completely malleable. Where the gap between need or desire and fulfillment collapses to zero.”

The Clock of the Long Now

“More and more I find I want to be living in a Big Here and a Long Now.”

The Clock of the Long Now

“Reinventing beats inventing nearly every time.”

The Clock of the Long Now

“Starting anew with a clean slate has been one of the most harmful ideas in history. It treats previous knowledge as an impediment and imagines that only present knowledge deployed in theoretical purity can make real the wondrous new vision.”

The Clock of the Long Now

“The point is to explore whatever may be helpful for thinking, understanding, and acting responsibly over long periods of time.”

The Clock of the Long Now

“The sociologist Elise Boulding diagnosed the problem of our times as 'temporal exhaustion': If one is mentally out of breath all the time from dealing with the present, there is no energy left for imaging the future.”

The Clock of the Long Now

“We can influence the future but not see it.”

The Clock of the Long Now

“When Brian Eno approached the father of Anthea Norman-Taylor for permission to marry her, he was told, “What you have to ask yourself is, ‘Would I wish this woman to be the grandmother of my grandchildren?'”

The Clock of the Long Now

The dawn of de-extinction. Are you ready? Quotes

“The technology of synthetic biology is currently accelerating at four times the rate of Moore's Law. It's been doing that since 2005, and it's likely to continue.”

The dawn of de-extinction. Are you ready?

The Media Lab Quotes

“Once a new technology rolls over you, if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road.”

The Media Lab

Whole Earth Catalog Quotes

“A realm of intimate, personal power is developing - power of the individual to conduct his own education, find his own inspiration, shape his own environment, and share his adventure with whoever is interested.”

Whole Earth Catalog

Whole Earth Discipline Quotes

“At present, the best low-carbon source is nuclear.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“California was a great place to get over mysticism in the 1960s and 1970s. Such an endless parade of gurus and mystics came through, peddling their wares, that they canceled each other out. They couldn't compete with the drugs, and the drugs canceled each other out as well. Fervent visions, shared to excess, became clanking clichés. All that was left was daily reality, with its endless negotiation, devoid of absolutes, but alive with surprises.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“Certain knowledge of what to fight for, and what to fight against, gives meaning to life and provides its own version of discipline: never give up. That kind of meaning is illusory, I now believe, and blinkered. Fealty to a mystical absolute is a formula for disaster, especially in transformative times.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“Climate is so full of surprises, it might even surprise us with a hidden stability. Counting on that, though, would be like playing Russian roulette with all the chambers loaded but one.”

Whole Earth Discipline

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“My favourite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.”

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“Every interview with a public figure should include the question 'What have you been wrong about, and how did that change your views?' The answer will tell us if the person is intellectually honest or a tale spinner with delusions of infallibility.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“Excessively precise economic analysis can lead to assessing everything in terms of its easily measurable melt value - the value that thieves get from stealing copper wiring from isolated houses, that vandals got from tearing down Greek temples for the lead joints holding the marble blocks together, that shortsighted timber companies get from liquidating their forests. The standard to insist on is live value. What is something worth when it's working?”

Whole Earth Discipline

“If you don't like bacteria, you're on the wrong planet.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“Many of my contemporaries in the developed world see subsistence farming as soulful and organic, but it is a poverty trap and an environmental disaster.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“Science has long informed the environmental movement. Now it must take the lead, because we are forced to enter an era of large-scale ecosystem engineering, and we have to know what the hell we’re doing.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“Seize the century. We’re facing multidecade, multigeneration problems and solutions. Accomplishing what is needed will take diligence and patience—a sustained bearing down, over human lifetimes, to bridge the long lag times and lead times in climatic, biological, and social dynamics, and to work through the long series of iterations necessary for any apparent solution to become practical. At the same time, we need a professional caregiver’s sense of urgency. Here’s how that works.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“Talk of 'saving the planet' is overstated. Earth will be fine, no matter what; so will life. It is humans who are in trouble. But since we got ourselves into this fix, we should be able to get ourselves out of it.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“We are as gods and might as well get good at it.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“We finesse climate, or climate finesses us.”

Whole Earth Discipline

“When environmentalists are wrong, it is frequently technology that they are wrong about, and they wind up supporting parochial Green goals at the cost of comprehensive ones. That happened with space technology, nuclear technology, and genetic engineering. If your default position on a new technology is suspicion, you forfeit the ability to deploy it for your own purposes. "The environmental movement has so far concentrated its attention upon the evils that technology has done rather than upon the good that technology has failed to do," says Freeman Dyson. But focusing on Green technological opportunity requires a shift in attitude toward novelty.”

Whole Earth Discipline

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“For the world to be interesting, you have to be manipulating it all the time.”

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