Stirling Cooper Quotes Page 10


Best 464 Quotes by Stirling Cooper – Page 10 of 16

Twitter post Quotes

“No amount of muscles, women, or money will hide your insecurities.”

Twitter post

“No high-value man is spending all day playing video games.”

Twitter post

“No one is coming to save you. Stop waiting for a handout. Stop blaming 'luck' for your mistakes. Stop being resentful at other people's achievements. Start working toward the things you want out of life. You are the only person who can get you where you want to go.”

Twitter post

“No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to f*p.

You're a goddamn adult. Take responsibility for your actions.

If it's screwing up your life, you need to make a change.”

Twitter post

“No woman wants a man who needs her.”

Twitter post

“No woman who calls herself a 'princess' is high-value.”

Twitter post

“No, nice guys, women don't only want 'bad boys'. They just want a man with balls.”

Twitter post

“Nobody respects a man who doesn’t respect himself.”

Twitter post

“Not risking failure guarantees failure.”

Twitter post

“Nothing destroys a man's potential faster than cheap dopamine.”

Twitter post

“Nothing determines your success more than the 5 men you surround yourself with.”

Twitter post

“Nothing says as much about a man’s character as his eye contact, handshake, and body language.”

Twitter post

“Nothing turns a woman off faster than trying too hard to make her like you.”

Twitter post

“Nothing turns a woman off more than a man who can’t control his emotions. Stop being so reactive.”

Twitter post

“Nothing will determine a man’s success more than the five men he surrounds himself with.”

Twitter post

“Once you start labelling yourself as a victim you're guaranteed to set your life into a negative spiral.”

Twitter post

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“You said that – basically the patriarchy theory – men built this country for other men. Now I agree with you on the first part. Men did build this country.

However men didn't build it for the benefit of other men, they built it for their families, their wives, their sons, their daughters, ...

So I agree with you, that yes, this country and all countries in fact have been built on the backs of men, but it's not for the benefit of other men.”

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“One of the first things I will teach my future daughter is how to not be annoying.

This must be the number 1 skill to prevent you from becoming an old cat lady.”

Twitter post

“One of the sexiest things to women: a chiseled jaw line. But 8/10 men don't have one.”

Twitter post

“Only low-value men argue with people online.”

Twitter post

“People hide their laziness behind ignorance.”

Twitter post

“People want to pretend they don't know what to do so they can be lazy.”

Twitter post

“People who believe politicians care about them are the same people who think OnlyFans girls care about them.”

Twitter post

“People who believe the government will save them are the same people who believe strippers are into them.”

Twitter post

“People who don’t make eye contact:

- Look timid
- Look shady
- Look uncomfortable

Don’t be that guy. Avoid staring people down, but be comfortable holding eye contact when talking.”

Twitter post

“People will respect you once you respect yourself. Stop chasing approval.”

Twitter post

“Pick 1 thing that’ll 10x your daily energy:

- 1-mile run
- 20-minute walk
- 30 minutes of weights

Even if you’re 'busy', you can do 1 thing every day.

More energy = More drive.”

Twitter post

“Poor men think money is evil. Feminine men think masculinity is toxic. Fat men think being jacked is self-centered. People hate what they don’t have. It’s easier than taking responsibility for what they lack.”

Twitter post

“Prioritize your purpose over women. The man who can turn women away is a man who turns women on.”

Twitter post

“Prioritizing p*ssy over happiness leaves you with neither.”

Twitter post

“Prioritizing p*ssy over your purpose will leave you with neither.”

Twitter post

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“I believe that the formula for happiness is the distance between one’s expectations and their own reality. If you are conscious enough to be unhappy you have a decision to make. Simply put, relentlessly pursue and act on a plan that will close said gap with speed.”

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