Stirling Cooper Quotes Page 15


Best 464 Quotes by Stirling Cooper – Page 15 of 16

Twitter post Quotes

“Women punish nice guys. Men reward nice girls.”

Twitter post

“Women show attraction by moving closer to you. Keep your eye out for these signs: When laughing, does she fall towards you? When making a serious point, does she lean in? If she’s attracted to you, she’ll use any excuse to get closer to you.”

Twitter post

“Women unconsciously signal attraction by smiling. If she pairs a smile with:

- Glancing down
- Biting her lip
- Giggling at you
= Brushing her hair back

She’s attracted to you. Make a move.”

Twitter post

“Women view men in the same way men view business investments.”

Twitter post

“Women want a man to be decisive.”

Twitter post

“Women want a man to take care of her, not a boy to take care of. Get your shit together.”

Twitter post

“Women want a man who is decisive. If you can’t take the lead, how can she follow you?”

Twitter post

“Women want attention as much as men want sex.”

Twitter post

“Women want to be f*cked in bed, not caressed.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.”

Twitter post

“Women wants a man who leads. Not a puppy dog who follows her.”

Twitter post

“Women will never respect you until you respect yourself.”

Twitter post

“Women will not respect a man who does not lead in the bedroom.”

Twitter post

“Women will org*sm quicker and more intensely if they know you've recently cheated on them.”

Twitter post

“Women: I don’t want a guy under 6 feet tall.
Society: You go girl!

Men: I don’t want a woman who is overweight.
Society: You misogynist pig!”

Twitter post

“Working harder is the best antidote for not being 'naturally' good at something.”

Twitter post

“You are judged by your looks. This is human nature. We're wired to make snap decisions about people we meet. Research shows we unconsciously judge people in a fraction of a second. Get jacked. Dress well. Walk confidently. You're the f*cking man. Look like it.”

Twitter post

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“There are 6.7 billion people on earth, and we can't all go back to living as hunter-gatherers. The notion of returning to an idealized paradise of simple, gentle, small-group living has been advocated by diverse visionaries throughout history: Buddha, Laozi, Epicurus, Thoreau, Engels, Gandhi, Margaret Mead, and the Unabomber. Often these visionaries attract followers, who form religions, political movements, or whole cultures: Taoists, Shakers, Luddites, Marxists, anarchists, hippies and Emo kids.”

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“You aren’t ugly, you just don’t take care of your looks, diet, or hygiene.”

Twitter post

“You become dangerous when you stop giving a f*ck what others think.”

Twitter post

“You become her only option when you have options.”

Twitter post

“You can become significantly less ugly as a man by getting jacked and hitting the gym.”

Twitter post

“You can do anything to a girl except bore her.

You could have all the money, status, and treat her like royalty but if she gets bored in bed, she will consider her options.”

Twitter post

“You can't build a long-term future if you keep giving in to short-term comforts.”

Twitter post

“You don’t lack time, you lack focus.
You don’t lack motivation, you lack discipline.
You don’t lack opportunities, you lack action.

Stop making excuses and start being a man.”

Twitter post

“You don’t need a degree to make a lot of money.”

Twitter post

“You don’t need the approval of women. You need to approve of yourself.”

Twitter post

“You don’t need women to be happy. You need purpose.”

Twitter post

“You get good with women by approaching them, not reading about them. You get stronger by lifting weights, not reading about it. Experience is the best teacher.”

Twitter post

“You get laid 10x more when you adopt the mindset that sex is a reward for her, not for you.”

Twitter post

“You need to come across as the guy who can rock her world when you get down to it.

Work on your:

- Status
- Posture
- Eye contact
- Social reputation
- Choice of language

You can get any woman to lower her guard when you’ve mastered confidence.”

Twitter post

“You never see women telling rockstars and rappers to 'grow up' or 'settle down'.”

Twitter post

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“Men no longer have masculine roll models and that needs to change.”

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