Stirling Cooper Quotes


Best 425 Twitter post Quotes by Stirling Cooper – Page 1 of 15

Twitter post Quotes

“3 texting mistakes men make that kill a woman’s attraction:

1) Being needy
2) Being reactive
3) Being overly formal

Cut the shit, gents.”

Twitter post

“3 things women first notice in a man:

1) How you carry yourself
2) How you treat others
3) How you act when you see her”

Twitter post

“4 signs she could be cheating on you:

1) Accuses you of cheating
2) Turns away when texting
3) Overly protective of her phone
4) Constant sl*tty Instagram posts”

Twitter post

“5 clear signs a woman wants you:

1) She gets closer to you
2) She exposes her neck
3) She smiles with her eyes
4) She points her feet toward you
5) She shows you where to touch her”

Twitter post

“5 signs a woman is attracted to you:

1) She looks down
2) She smiles at you
3) She plays with her hair
4) She holds intense eye contact
5) She gets physically close to you”

Twitter post

“5 signs a woman wants to have sex with you:

1) Fidgeting in a girly way
2) Gets close to you while talking
3) She constantly touches you
4) Gives you lots of compliments
5) Uses sexual innuendos and then gives you a look”

Twitter post

“5 ways to go from being a 'nice guy' to a confident man:

1) your Stand up for your values
2) Be comfortable with conflict
3) Enforce your personal boundaries
4) Learn to call your friends out on their bullsh*t
5) Know how to defend yourself – physically and verbally”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“6 everyday things killing your testosterone:

1) Bisphenol A
2) Parabens
3) Antipersperant deodorants
4) Talcom powder
5) Beer
6) Processed meat”

Twitter post

“6 tips to maximize your testosterone without steroids:

1) Get sun
2) Workout
3) Get a massage
4) Eat a steak
5) 15 minutes in the sauna
6) Fix your room and get a high-quality sleep”

Twitter post

“7 easy steps to look better as a man:

1) Grow a beard
2) Wear a scent
3) Improve your skin
4) Improve your diet
5) Maintain your hair
6) Wear stylish clothes
7) Drink a gallon of water every day”

Twitter post

“7 simple tips to be a more masculine man:

1) Lead
2) Stand tall
3) Speak slower
4) Take up space
5) Be less reactive
6) Look people in the eyes
7) Relax your facial muscles”

Twitter post

“7 ways to skyrocket your testosterone naturally:

1) Sleep
2) Lift weights
3) Reduce stress
4) Lose excess fat
5) Take vitamin D and zinc
6) Reduce consumption of alcohol
7) Don’t get too low of a body fat %”

Twitter post

“A good woman makes your d*ck hard, not your life.”

Twitter post

“A man becomes dangerous when he stops trusting the government and starts thinking for himself.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“A man will never be happy with a woman until he’s happy by himself.”

Twitter post

“A man’s handshake and eye contact say more about his character than any word he says.”

Twitter post

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“The pronoun + communist + woke cause crowd really hates Andrew Tate.

Tells you everything you need to know.”

More quotes by Alexander J. A. Cortes

“A quiet girl on the streets is a freak in the sheets.”

Twitter post

“A society without masculine men is weak society.”

Twitter post

“A very tiny percentage of men have the ability to cheat.

99.99% of women have the ability to cheat.”

Twitter post

“A woman playing with her hair signals she wants you. On a primal level, she wants you to notice the health of her hair.

She’s also saying: 'Look at me, I like you.' She wants you to notice her attraction towards you and is begging for your attention.”

Twitter post

“A woman wants a strong man who can protect her. Not a scared boy who’s afraid to look her in the eye.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“A woman who doesn't think she's replaceable will replace you in a heartbeat.”

Twitter post

“A woman will rarely make the first move. Even if she wants you sexually. Why?

1) She wants to seem lady-like
2) She doesn’t want to be rejected
3) She wants to see how confident you are
4) She wants to test your interest level”

Twitter post

“Accepting rejection is how you become successful with women.”

Twitter post

“All it takes is one win to completely change your belief about what’s possible.”

Twitter post

“Always be happy when you see someone else succeeding. Because by hating the successful you guarantee that you will never become one of them.”

Twitter post

“Appearance is key. I don’t care what beta males claim. Women will judge you based on how you look… and they have every right to.”

Twitter post

“Approaching 100 women will make you more confident than 1000 self-help books.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“As a man, you need to become self-paid, self-sufficient, and self-reliant.”

Twitter post

“As a man, you’re only considered as successful if you’re more successful than others. Billionaires only have status because of the minute amount of them.

Whether we like it or not, we care about our status in societies. There is a biological function deep within us that compares ourselves to others in a hierarchy. If you are not attempting to rise, you will feel spiritually numb.”

Twitter post

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“From the point of view of genes in any male body, the body itself is a sinking prison ship. Death comes to all bodies sooner or later. Even if a male devoted all of his energy to surviving, by storing up huge fat reserves and hiding in an armored underground compound, statistics guarantee that an accident would sooner or later kill him.

This paranoid survivalist strategy is no way to spread one's genes through a population. The only deliverance for a male's genes is through an escape tube into a female body carrying a fertile egg. Genes can survive in the long term only by jumping ship into offspring. In species that reproduce sexually, the only way to make offspring is to merge one's genes with another individual's. And the only way to do that, for males, is to attract a female of the species through courtship. This is why males of most species evolve to act as if copulation is the whole point of life. For male genes, copulation is the gateway to immortality. This is why males risk their lives for copulation opportunities.”

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