Teal Swan Quotes Page 2


Best 78 Quotes by Teal Swan – Page 2 of 3

“Power never corrupts. It merely amplifies and reveals what's already underneath.”

“Pride is the defense of insecurity. If you lose pride and face the insecurity, there is nothing left to defend. And that is a profound form of relief.”

“Real gifts are usually not very easy. They are what we need, not necessarily what we want.”

“Relationships can be the greatest source of joy. They can also be the greatest source of suffering. This suffering occurs the moment that we begin to expect the other person to provide our joy for us with their specific behavior. The minute we ask someone to be the source and cause of our own happiness, we lose all power, we live at the mercy of someone else's alignment or misalignment, we expect them to live according to our own idea of happiness, instead of their own. And most importantly, we lose connection with the only relationship that truly matters. The relationship between you and ...you. A healthy, loving, consistent relationship with another person is always and only the by-product of a healthy, loving and constant connection between you and you.”

“Remember, you are a part of this universe. It can’t hurt you without hurting itself. This means it is in the universe’s best interests for you to feel good and to get what you need and want. It is on the side of your greatest good and is taking you there in ways you may not always understand. It is taking you there even if the short cut to get you there takes you straight through hell.”

“Reveal your subconscious or it will reveal you.”

“So often we come into this life and look at this world as if it is broken and the question we keep asking ourselves is... "What does the world need?". We live our lives searching for the answer to this question and by doing this, we have it backwards. Instead, we need to ask ourselves what makes us come alive. and then... we need to have the courage to go do that. Because what the world needs, is this: people who have come alive.”

“Spirituality is not about knowing everything. It's about learning to love everything.”

“Surmount Your suffering, heal your wounds and awaken to an empowered, authentic life. Even if you have been stuck in pain for years.”

“The day you betrayed yourself completely, was the day that you decided you would only be with yourself based on the condition that you felt good. So you have been trying to feel good all your life, so you could be with yourself and feel whole again... instead of realizing that you could just decide to be with yourself here and now, regardless of how you feel.”

“The ego uses knowledge as a shield, a sword and a security blanket.”

“The highest form of human intelligence is not to be able to conceive of what we are. Instead, it is to be able to observe ourselves without judgment.”

“The inner child of yours symbolizes the core of your emotional self. The raw essence and vulnerability of your personal truth.”

“The only things you can lose are things that you have to lose in order to find something infinitely more valuable.”

“The people who trigger us, or cause us to feel negative emotion are messengers. They are messengers for the unhealed parts of our being.”

“The purpose of disagreement is not victory or defeat, it is progress.”

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“We can't look to the world to restore our worth; we're here to restore our worth to the world.

The world outside us can reflect our glory, but it cannot create it. It cannot crown us. Only God can crown us, and he already has.”

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“The reason we suffer from anything, is not because of the thing itself, but because of our resistance to it.”

“The shadow side of knowledge is that knowing prevents us from learning. The state of learning is a state of openness to all possibilities, whereas the state of knowing is a state of closedness to all further possibilities.”

“The world is as neutral as a mirror, we perceive in it only what we place before it.”

“The world is one. You are but a single cell in the body of all that is.”

“The world will remain as brutal as our level of desensitization to its brutality.”

“There is a vibrational discord at the root of all ailments.”

“There is no such thing as limit or finite resource in an infinite universe. There is enough resource for everyone to experience the exact amount of abundance, happiness love and freedom they truly desire without ever taking away from any one else's supply. So give yourself permission to manifest anything you desire without fearing that you're subtracting from any one else's desires.”

“To trust yourself is to feel as if you can rely on yourself to act in your own best interests.”

“Truth arrives when you let go of your investment in the truth of every belief that you think is true.”

“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is. And true security is the result of anchoring oneself to the certainty of uncertainty.”

“We are powerless the minute we try to control what was because we can not touch it. So instead... change what you can touch... the now. Shape it into what you want it to be... the future.”

“We assume that our physical surroundings are the stable, firm basis of reality. As if density and form itself are the true test of what is real. But we are wrong in our assumption. It is the density of physical form that obscures the truth from our physical senses. Reality... is actually completely 100% relative to the vibratory frequency of the observer.”

“We do not fear the unknown, we fear what we think we know about the unknown.”

“We only say that an experience is bad or unwanted when we do not yet understand it's role in our growth and integration.”

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“However, as a guarantee of its renewed youth, the symbolical phoenix never reappeared before the eyes of the world without having consumed solemnly the remains and evidences of its previous life.

So also Moses saw to it that all those who had known Egypt and her mysteries should end their life in the desert; at Ephesus St Paul burnt all books which treated of the occult sciences; and in fine, the French Revolution, daughter of the great Johannite Orient and the ashes of the Templars, spoliated the churches and blasphemed the allegories of the Divine Cultus.

But all doctrines and all revivals proscribe Magic and condemn its mysteries to the flames and to oblivion. The reason is that each religion or philosophy which comes into the world is a Benjamin of humanity and insures its own life by destroying its mother.

It is because the symbolical serpent turns ever devouring its own tail; it is because, as essential condition of existence, a void is necessary to every plenitude, space for every dimension, an affirmation for each negation: herein is the eternal realization of the phoenix allegory.”

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