Teal Swan Quotes Page 3
Best 78 Quotes by Teal Swan – Page 3 of 3
“What sets youth apart from adults, is their ability to recognize and surrender themselves to happiness. Happiness is straightforward for children until the adults around them present a complicated version of happiness, and urge them to agree with it.”
“What suicide is, is pushing the reset button... There is nothing wrong with suicide.”
“You can not consciously see someone clearly until you are completely conscious of yourself. If you aren't you will continue to see everyone through the filter of your own subconscious mind.”
“You can’t create what you want if you are in resistance to what is.”
“You cannot un-belong to humanity any more than a deer can un-belong to the species called deer.”
“You were not born to use this life to refine or improve yourself. You were born to use this life as a canvas to paint yourself across.”
“You will start living a life that is worth living for, as soon as you start thinking and saying and doing things that are worthy of your life.”
“Your 'shadow' is nothing more than the part of you that is unconscious and therefore hidden from your awareness. The unconscious is filled with all kinds of things that you have judged as 'unacceptable' about you. And shadow work is nothing more than the art of making the unconscious, conscious and the unacceptable, acceptable.”
“Your ego is like a seed. Your soul is like a plant sprout that can't escape the security of that seed. "I'll keep you safe", it says. But if you let it, your soul, just like that plant sprout, will never see the light of day.”
“Your true nature is unquantifiable.”
Shadows Before Dawn Quotes
“Decide to make how you feel the number one priority in your life.”
“What would someone who loves themselves do?”
The Sculptor in the Sky Quotes
“A thousand times we die in one life. We crumble, break and tear apart until the layers of illusion are burned away and all that is left, is the truth of who and what we really are.”
“Frustration to what has been, binds you to what has been. Healthy acceptance sets you free.”
“If you remove yourself far enough from the limited point of view of pain, you will see that at the root of all things that are negative in this world is the physical fact that we are all nothing but the victims of victims.”
“Observing and then letting go is one of the most important skills to acquire in the quest to create positive change, as is knowledge of stillness.”
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“The process of growth is, it seems, the art of falling down. Growth is measured by the gentleness and awareness with which we once again pick ourselves up, the lightness with which we dust ourselves off, the openness with which we continue and take the next unknown step, beyond our edge, beyond our holding, into the remarkable mystery of being.”
“True forgiveness is forgetfulness.”
“We are afraid of what will be in the room with us if we stop being busy.”
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