Ted Bundy Quotes

Books by Ted Bundy

Best The Stranger Beside Me Quotes by Ted Bundy

The Stranger Beside Me Quotes

“As I write these recollections of women who survived, I hope my readers are taking careful note of why they did.

They screamed.
They fought.
They slammed doors in a stranger's face.
They ran.
They doubted glib stories.
They spotted flaws in those stories.
They were lucky enough to have someone step up and protect them.”

The Stranger Beside Me

“Some people hate the smell of hospitals. I hate the smell of jails and prisons, all the same: stale cigarette smoke, Pine-Sol, urine, sweat, and dust.”

The Stranger Beside Me

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“Everybody thinks the worst of me. The only thing I’m happy about is I was able to help people recover. There’s nothing for me to change from. It’s not like I ever considered myself a bad person. I made a horrible mistake and I’m sorry.”

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