The Talmud Quotes Page 5


Best 306 Quotes by The Talmud – Page 5 of 11

The Talmud Quotes

“He who revolts against the government commits as great a sin as if he revolted against God.”

The Talmud

“He who turns away from the works of love and charity, turns away from God.”

The Talmud

“Hear sixty advisers, but be guided by your own conviction.”

The Talmud

“Honor the sons of the poor; it is they who bring science into splendor.”

The Talmud

“Honor your wife that you may become rich.”

The Talmud

“How may a man obtain greatness? By fidelity, truth, and lofty thoughts.”

The Talmud

“If a dog barks at you, stay; if a female dog barks at you, leave.”

The Talmud

“If a man does not go after wisdom, wisdom will not come to him.”

The Talmud

“If a word spoken in time is worth one piece of money, silence in its time is certainly worth two.”

The Talmud

“If any blame be attached to thee, be the first to declare it.”

The Talmud

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”

The Talmud

“If in anger the one hand remove thy wife or thy child, let the other hand again bring them back to thy heart.”

The Talmud

“If one has eaten garlic and has acquired a bad odor, he must not eat more garlic because the bad odor is about him already.”

The Talmud

“If one man says to thee, 'Thou art a donkey', pay no heed. If two speak thus, purchase a saddle.”

The Talmud

“If silence be good for the wise, how much better for fools.”

The Talmud

“If thou hast commenced a good action, leave it not incomplete.”

The Talmud

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“If thy associates be insane, be thou sensible.”

The Talmud

“If thy wife is small, bend down to take her counsel.”

The Talmud

“If you have not desired wisdom in your youth, how will you acquire her in your old age?”

The Talmud

“If you interrupt your studies for one day, it will take you two to regain what you have lost.”

The Talmud

“If you touch pitch, it will stick to your fingers; even so, if you associate with evil companions, you will acquire their vices.”

The Talmud

“If your business does not prosper in one town, try another.”

The Talmud

“Ignorance and conceit go hand in hand.”

The Talmud

“In proportion to thy efforts will be thy recompense.”

The Talmud

“Into the well from which thou drinkest do not cast a stone.”

The Talmud

“It is a bounden duty to visit the sick.”

The Talmud

“It is a father’s duty not only to provide for his minor children, but also to take care of their instruction, and to teach his son a trade and whatever is necessary for his future welfare.”

The Talmud

“It is beautiful and rejoicing to see grapes on the vine; it is ugly and repugnant to see grapes on a thorn-bush.”

The Talmud

“It is better to be a menial than to live upon the charity of others.”

The Talmud

“It is better to lend than to give. To give employment is better than either.”

The Talmud

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