The Talmud Quotes Page 7


Best 306 Quotes by The Talmud – Page 7 of 11

The Talmud Quotes

“Medicine is a science whose practise is authorized by God Himself.”

The Talmud

“Men should thank God alike for evil and for good.”

The Talmud

“Misery and remorse are the children of revenge.”

The Talmud

“Money belonging to orphans should only be invested where the chance of gain is greater than the chance of loss.”

The Talmud

“Money makes even b*stards legitimate.”

The Talmud

“Never take the clothes of wife or children in payment of a debt.”

The Talmud

“No labor, however humble, is dishonoring.”

The Talmud

“Not what you say about yourself, but what others say.”

The Talmud

“One man may earn immortality by the work of a few short years, while others earn it by the work of a long life.”

The Talmud

“One may decline the request of a lesser person, but one may not decline the request of a great person.”

The Talmud

“One who restrains his temper, all his sins meet forgiveness.”

The Talmud

“Parental love should be impartial; one child must not be preferred to the other.”

The Talmud

“Poor servants ask advice after a thing has happened.”

The Talmud

“Prepare thyself in the antechamber that thou mayest worthily enter the throne-room.”

The Talmud

“Pride is a sign of the worst poverty — ignorance.”

The Talmud

“Pride is like idolatry.”

The Talmud

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“What ought to be done is on virtue built.
What ought not, on guilt.”

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“Regulate thy will in accordance with God’s will, and submit thy will to His will.”

The Talmud

“Religion is the light of the world.”

The Talmud

“Repeat, repeat. That is the best medicine for memory.”

The Talmud

“Respect your parents as you respect Me, says God.”

The Talmud

“Silence may be equivalent to confession.”

The Talmud

“Sin begets sin.”

The Talmud

“Sinful thoughts are even more dangerous than sin itself.”

The Talmud

“Some are old in their youth, others young in their old age.”

The Talmud

“Sow peace at home, scatter its fruits abroad.”

The Talmud

“Speech is the messenger of the heart.”

The Talmud

“Teach the children of the poor without compensation, and do not favor the children of the rich.”

The Talmud

“Teach thy tongue to say, 'I do not know'.”

The Talmud

“The beginning of anger is madness, the end penitence.”

The Talmud

“The burden is equal to the horse’s strength.”

The Talmud

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“Man's shortcomings and sins are all due to substance of the body and not to its form, while all his merits are exclusively due to his form.”

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