Thomas à Kempis Quotes

Best 9 Other Quotes by Thomas à Kempis

“A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike.”

“A life without a purpose is a languid, drifting thing. Every day we ought to renew our purpose, saying to ourselves: This day let us make a sound beginning, for what we have hitherto done is nought.”

“Everywhere I have sought peace and not found it, except in a corner with a book.”

“First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.”

“For a small reward, a man will hurry away on a long journey; while for eternal life, many will hardly take a single step.”

“Grant me prudently to avoid him that flatters me, and to endure patiently him that contradicts me.”

“Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying, or meditating, or endeavoring something for the public good.”

“We would be well on the way to perfection if we could weed out one vice from ourselves each year.”

“Whoever loves much, does much...”

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“If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.”

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