Thomas C. Corley Quotes Page 4


Best 153 Quotes by Thomas C. Corley – Page 4 of 6

“When you allow negativity to rule your thoughts, you are programming your brain for failure. You’ll have no chance in life at breaking out of your current financial or life circumstances. These negative thoughts will become beliefs that act like computer programs.”

“When you alter the vision of your future life, you no longer play the victim card. When you are clear on who you desire to be, you begin to chart a course for your life that completely changes the current circumstances of your life.”

“When you create a clear vision of the person you desire to be, ten or twenty years into the future, you effectively change your identity.”

“When you do what you love, you will devote more hours to it, become more expert at it and if that expertise is in demand, you will make more money than competitors who lack your passion and expertise.”

“When you find your obsession, your life will change in unimaginable ways.

Read, explore, experiment. Join a new group. Volunteer. Start a side gig. Step outside your comfort zone into the discomfort zone. That is where you will find your obsession.

Your obsession is out there, patiently waiting for you. It won’t find you. You must find it.”

“When you have one revenue stream, you are not in control of your life. Outside forces, like a recession, can pull the rug out from underneath your feet, very quickly.

The rich have “several poles in many ponds” and they are able to draw income from other sources when one source is temporarily impaired.”

“When you have too many bad habits and too few good habits, your life sucks and you are unhappy. Bad habits lead to a bad life.

When you have many good habits and few bad habits, your life is great and you are happy. Good habits lead to a good life.”

“When you look in the mirror who do you see? Do you like what you see? Do you see someone who is going to make their mark on the world, achieve great things and make the world a better place?”

“When you love what you’re doing, I mean really love what you’re doing, it does not feel like work. But, it is work, because you are still producing.”

“When your emotions erupt, you have two choices – let them flow or shut them down.

When you allow your emotions to flow, the Amygdala, one of the primary emotional centers of the brain, takes complete control of the brain by shutting down or overpowering the Prefrontal Cortex.

There are millions of people around the world, sitting behind bars, all because they allowed their Amygdala to control their behaviors and decision-making.”

“Will the people buying your product or service care that you screwed up in life? No. All they care about is quality. If you provide a high quality product or service, they will buy it from you. Your past is irrelevant.”

“Without a blueprint, without long-term goals, we are like leaves on a fall day, floating in the air aimlessly.”

“Without a clear vision, you have no control over the type of change you desire to bring into your life. Without clarity, your future is determined by chance, which often does not align with the change you desire.”

“You create your life. Your life is not determined by the government, other people or external circumstances. You are the pilot of your life.”

“You grow into the person you need to become in order to realize success.”

“You have the power to change your present circumstances. It begins by changing the movie that is running inside your head. Your future life is dictated by that movie.”

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“Cardio is not only good for the body, but it's good for the brain. It grows the neurons in the brain. Exercise also increases the production of glucose. Glucose is brain fuel. The more fuel you feed your brain, the more it grows and the smarter you become.”

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“Daily habits dictate how successful or unsuccessful you will be in life.”

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“Failure to separate yourself from the herd is why most people never achieve success. You want to separate yourself from the herd, create your own herd, and then get others to join it.”

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“Fear of criticism is the reason we do not seek feedback from others. But feedback is essential to learning what is working and what isn't working. Feedback helps you understand if you are on the right track. Feedback criticism, good or bad, is a crucial element for learning and growth.”

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“Getting up at five in the morning to tackle the top three things you want to accomplish in your day allows you to regain control of your life. It gives you a sense of confidence that you, indeed, direct your life.”

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“Habits are the cause of wealth, poverty, happiness, sadness, stress, good relationships, bad relationships, good health, or bad health.”

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“Helping other success-minded people move forward in achieving their goals and dreams helps you succeed.”

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“Negative, destructive criticism will derail you from pursing success.”

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“Passion makes work fun. Passion gives you the energy, persistence, and focus needed to overcome failures, mistakes, and rejection.”

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“Pursuing your own dreams and goals creates the greatest long-term happiness and results in the greatest accumulation of wealth.”

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“Self-made millionaires do not rely on one singular source of income. They develop multiple streams.”

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“Self-made millionaires have mastered certain rules of etiquette principles you have to master if you want to be a success.”

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