Thomas C. Corley Quotes

Best 25 Rich Habits Quotes by Thomas C. Corley

Rich Habits Quotes

“A useful technique to assist in keeping long-term goals in sight is the use of a vision board. A vision board is an actual picture of long-term goals.”

Rich Habits

“At the beginning of each month, list monthly goals. These are goals with a realistic probability of being reached by the end of the month. Break down each goal into tasks or steps. The monthly goals could be the number of insurance policies to write that month, or the number of new clients you hope to gain, or a revenue target for the month. These goals might include a project to be completed or an article to be written.”

Rich Habits

“Before beginning each day, compile a Daily Goal/ To-do List. List only those things that have a realistic probability of being completed that day.”

Rich Habits

“For successful people, exercise is a routine, like brushing their teeth. They understand that daily exercise improves their bodies and minds. Routine exercise improves the immune system and results in fewer sick days.”

Rich Habits

“Habits are like snowflakes — they build up, and then you have an avalanche of success.”

Rich Habits

“I complete items on my to-do list every day.

Rich Habits

“I exercise thirty minutes each day.”

Rich Habits

“I listen to audio books during the commute to work.”

Rich Habits

“I will control my thoughts and emotions each and every day.”

Rich Habits

“I will save ten percent of my gross income every paycheck.”

Rich Habits

“I will set goals for each day, for each month, for each year and for the long-term. I will focus on my goals each and every day.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people are grateful for all that life has given them. They express thanks every day, oftentimes before sleep or upon waking in the morning.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people are positive, enthusiastic, energetic, happy, and well-balanced individuals. They feel powerful, in control, confident, and energized. This is not by accident.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people are slaves to their good daily habits.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people are students of relationship building. They faithfully return phone calls right away. They continuously seek out ways to improve their relationships.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people are too busy to allow themselves to indulge in being sad or depressed. They engage in productive activities, which take their minds off their sadness or depression. They are constantly engaged in projects or self-improvement activities that promote positive feelings about themselves.”

Rich Habits

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“The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does.”

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“Successful people devote time each and every day to self-improvement.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people do not procrastinate.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people do the things that are necessary over the long term in order for opportunity luck to occur in their lives.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people engage in the process of self-improvement every day. They read industry periodicals and technical material specific to their profession or trade. They become students of their industry, profession, or trade, and keep current with changes that occur.”

Rich Habits

“Successful people foster, grow, and improve their relationships with others each and every day. They devote significant amounts of time networking.”

Rich Habits

“To live in moderation means to live a balanced life – no extremes. Successful people avoid excesses, wild emotional swings, addictions, obsessions, binging, starvation, extravagances, and fanatical behavior. They keep their thoughts and emotions on a short leash.”

Rich Habits

“To successful people, relationships are like gold. They tend to relationships like a farmer tends crops, nurturing them every day, remembering names, birthdays, gifts for newborns, and interacting frequently. Successful people seek to help their relationships and their business associates, even when there is nothing in it for them. They are focused on others, rather than on themselves.”

Rich Habits

“Unsuccessful people have bad habits.”

Rich Habits

“Unsuccessful people pay themselves last. They live paycheck to paycheck, spending every penny to support their lifestyle. They are poor savers and carry excessive amounts of debt.”

Rich Habits

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“In our world with limitless options, limitless books to read, limitless clothes to wear, limitless paths to take, it is extremely important to be picky. Excess is a suppressant to abundance. Excess represents the broad path which most people travel. With too many clothes in their closets and too many competing priorities, paralysis by analysis is at an extreme.”

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