Thor Heyerdahl Quotes
Best 45 Quotes by Thor Heyerdahl – Page 1 of 2
“A civilized nation can have no enemies, and one cannot draw a line across a map, a line that doesn't even exist in nature and say that the ugly enemy lives on the one side, and good friends live on the other.”
“Any scientist can testify that a dead ocean means a dead planet. No national law, no national precautions can save the planet. The ocean, more than any other part of our planet is a classic example of the absolute need for international global action.”
“Borders I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people.”
“Circumstances cause us to act the way we do. We should always bear this in mind before judging the actions of others. I realized this from the start during World War II.”
“Civilization grew in the beginning from the minute that we had communication – particularly communication by sea that enabled people to get inspiration and ideas from each other and to exchange basic raw materials.”
“For every minute, the future is becoming the past.”
“I also believe that when one dies, one may wake up to the reality that proves that time does not exist.”
“I don't believe in war as a solution to any kind of conflict, nor do I believe in heroism on the battlefield because I have never seen any.”
“I have never been able to grasp the meaning of time. I don't believe it exists. I've felt this again and again, when alone and out in nature. On such occasions, time does not exist. Nor does the future exist.”
“I was in uniform for four years, and I know that heroism doesn't occur from taking orders, but rather from people who through their own willpower and strength are willing to sacrifice their lives for an idea.”
“If we begin thinking about the world being over 100 million years old, then it's absolutely by chance that you and I are sitting here alive today, while all the others are dead or have never been born.”
“In a city a man may feel second to none. But alone in the immensity of the universe, among all the creatures that preceded man and built up the human species, even a most fervent atheist will wonder if Darwin found the visible road but not the invisible mechanism.”
“In fighting nature, man can win every battle except the last. If he should win that too, he will perish, like an embryo cutting its own umbilical cord.”
“In my experience, it is rarer to find a really happy person in a circle of millionaires than among vagabonds.”
“It is also rarer to find happiness in a man surrounded by the miracles of technology than among people living in the desert of the jungle and who by the standards set by our society would be considered destitute and out of touch.”
“It is progress when a centuries-old oak is cut down to give space for a road sign.”
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“What the human being sees, what is poured into his environment, becomes a force in him. In accordance with it, he forms himself.”
“It is progress when weapons are improved to kill more people at a longer range.”
“It says in the Bible, in plain words, that God made a self-portrait. He created man in His own image – man and woman – for God is Love.
Why should we start thinking of a god up in the clouds with wings, if He dwells within us in the spirit of Love?!”
“Man invents the most inhuman armaments to assault others so like himself that uniforms are needed to distinguish between friend and foe.”
“One learns more from listening than speaking. And both the wind and the people who continue to live close to nature still have much to tell us which we cannot hear within university walls.”
“Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.”
“This world has seen a great many civilizations. And many of them have survived for longer periods than ours up to the present. They were all as sure as we are today of having founded the first eternal civilization.
We today differ from them in having our western civilization spread to embrace the entire planet, leaving no room on any continent for any other culture to take over if we fail.”
“Those who have experienced the most, have suffered so much that they have ceased to hate.
Hate is more for those with a slightly guilty conscience, and who by chewing on old hate in times of peace wish to demonstrate how great they were during the war.”
“We are not talking about esthetics. We are talking about life: survival of Man. We must train young people to get another vision of Nature
We call it 'wilderness', and we think it is progress to get further and further away from it. How crazy! Where would we have been if Nature had not built us up?”
“We have always been taught that navigation is the result of civilization, but modern archeology has demonstrated very clearly that this is not so.”
“We must wake up to the insane reality of our time. We are all irresponsible, unless we demand from the responsible decision makers that modern armaments must no longer be made available to people whose former battle axes and swords our ancestors condemned.”
Aku-Aku The Secret of Easter Island Quotes
“Arranging the journey was so difficult. Getting home again was much easier.”
The Kon-Tiki Expedition Quotes
“Agreement and acceptance rarely stimulate experiments and progress.”
“Am going to cross Pacific on a wooden raft to support a theory that the South Sea islands were peopled from Peru. Will you come? I guarantee nothing but a free trip to Peru and the South Sea islands and back, but you will find good use for your technical abilities on the voyage. Reply at once.
Next day the following telegram arrived from Torstein: COMING. TORSTEIN.”
“Dissidence and controversy are what bring science forward. Agreement and acceptance rarely stimulate experiments and progress.”
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“The body is a wonderful source of meaning. It does not matter if it is young or old, ill or healthy.
At any time of our life it tells us what it is in the world that it is worthwhile to explore. It tells us what we can do with what we have.
Closing the door to all these meanings is an immense loss that we do not want to call upon ourselves.”
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