Tim Harford Quotes

Best 10 Quotes by Tim Harford

Adapt Quotes

“Accepting trial and error means accepting error. It means taking problems in our stride when a decision doesn't work out, whether through luck or misjudgment. And that is not something human brains seem to be able to do without a struggle.”


“Companies pay amazing amounts of money to get answers from consultants with overdeveloped confidence in their own intuition.”


“Doing foolish things in an attempt ‘to correct the past’, like marrying the man whose baby you just aborted, isn’t unusual at all. It’s part of being human.”


“No plan survives first contact with the enemy. What matters is how quickly the leader is able to adapt.”


“The most successful industry of the last forty years has been built on failure after failure after failure.”


The Logic of Life Quotes

“The more grotesque your boss's pay and the less he has do to earn it, the bigger the motivation for you to work with the aim of being promoted to what he has.”

The Logic of Life

The Undercover Economist Quotes

“If there’s a profitable deal to be done between somebody who has something unique and someone who has something which can be replaced, then the profits will go to the owner of the unique resource.”

The Undercover Economist

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“It is not polite to say so, but it is obvious that paying people to be unemployed encourages unemployment. Yet, if a government scrapped unemployment benefit, there would still be jobless people, and supporting the jobless is something that every civilized society should do. The truth is that we have a trade-off: it is bad to encourage unemployment but good to support those without incomes.”

The Undercover Economist

“The dictator has to keep the economy functioning in order to keep stealing from it.”

The Undercover Economist

“We should aim to make ours a world where people feel free to do things they enjoy, even if others are mildly inconvenienced, but also one where we all refrain from harming other people if the effort involved to avoid harming them is small.”

The Undercover Economist

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