Tim S. Grover Quotes Page 3


Best 113 Quotes by Tim S. Grover – Page 3 of 4

Relentless Quotes

“If you want to go somewhere new, you have to throw out the tired, old map and stop traveling the same road to the same dead end.”


“In anything you do, it takes no talent to work hard. You just have to want to do it.”


“In order to have what you really want, you must first be who you really are.”


“It’s easy to improve on mediocrity, not so easy to improve on excellence.”


“It’s not weak to recognize when it’s time to shift directions.”


“It’s time to stop listening to what everyone else says about you, telling you what to do, how to act, how you should feel. Let them judge you by your results, and nothing else; it’s none of their business how you get where you’re going. If you’re relentless, there is no halfway, no could or should or maybe.”


“Just show up, work hard, and listen. That’s your part of the deal. Do the work.”


“Make a plan that truly reflects your goals and interests, and you'll be more likely to execute. Why pretend you're going to work out every single day when you know you're only going to do it three times a week?”


“Most people are the lion in the cage. Safe, tame, predictable, waiting for something to happen. But for humans, the cage isn’t made of glass and steel bars, it’s made of bad advice and low self-esteem and bullsh*t rules and tortured thinking about what you can’t do or what you’re supposed to do.”


“Most people who claim to have killer instinct rarely do, because when you have that kind of power, you don’t talk about it. You don’t think about it. You just use it.”


“No trainer or coach or expert can make you good or great or unstoppable if you’re not going to do the work, if you’re waiting for someone to make it happen for you. It’s on you.

And that’s why I’m telling you all of this, not because I want you to know what I do for my guys, but because I want you to know what you have to do for yourself.”


“Once you start blaming others, you’re admitting you had no control over the situation. And without that control, you can’t create a solution.”


“Our challenge in life is to use the abilities we have, and to compensate for the abilities we don’t have. Successful people compensate for what they don’t have. Unsuccessful people make excuses, blame everyone else and never get past the deficiencies.”


“Overthinking imaginary problems just generates fear and anxiety. There is only a situation, your response and an outcome. Prepare yourself with everything you’ll need to succeed, then act.”


“People are always asking me about the secrets and tricks I use to get results. Sorry if this disappoints you: There are no secrets. There are no tricks.

If anything, it’s the opposite: Whether you’re a pro athlete or a guy running a business or driving a truck or going to school, it’s simple. Ask yourself where you are now, and where you want to be instead. Ask yourself what you’re willing to do to get there.

Then make a plan to get there. Act on it. There are no shortcuts.”


“People who don’t pursue their own dreams probably won’t encourage you to pursue yours.”


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“People who preach inner drive are dreamers with a lot of ideas and a lot of talk, and zero production.”


“People who start at the top never understand what they missed at the bottom. The guy who started by sorting the mail, or cleaning the restaurant late at night, or fixing the equipment at the gym, that’s the guy who knows how things get done.

After he’s eventually worked his way up through the ranks, he knows how everything works, why it works, what to do when it stops working. That’s the guy who will have longevity and value and impact, because he knows what it took to get to the top.

You can’t claim you ran a marathon if you started at the seventeenth mile.”


“Physical dominance can make you great. Mental dominance is what ultimately makes you unstoppable.”


“Proving yourself over and over: you want it for yourself, not for anyone.”


“Relentless is about never being satisfied, always driving to be the best, and then getting even better.”


“Success isn’t the same as talent. The world is full of incredibly talented people who never succeed at anything. They show up, do what they do, and if it doesn’t work out, they blame everyone else because they believe talent should be enough. It’s not.

If you want to be truly successful, you can’t be content with 'pretty good'. You need to find an extra gear.”


“Surround yourself with those who want you to succeed, who recognize what it takes to be successful. People who don’t pursue their own dreams probably won’t encourage you to pursue yours.”


“Talk never goes up in price, it’s always free, and you usually get what you pay for.”


“Tell yourself what to do, and stop waiting for others to lay it all out.”


“That’s how I learned: you figure it out.”


“That’s what champions do; they put people in place to get results and make everyone else around them look better.”


“The drive to close the gap between near-perfect and perfect is the difference between great and unstoppable.”


“The greats never stop learning. Instinct and talent without technique just makes you reckless, like a teenager driving a powerful, high-performance vehicle.

Instinct is raw clay that can be shaped into a masterpiece, if you develop skills that match your talent. That can only come from learning everything there is to know about what you do.”


“The only exception to the emotions rule is anger: controlled anger is a deadly weapon.”


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