Tom Bilyeu Quotes

Best 16 Twitter post Quotes by Tom Bilyeu

Twitter post Quotes

“Even those with their eyes wide opened are going to get blindsided by AI.”

Twitter post

“If you suffer from anxiety, start by addressing your diet. I have a feeling you’ll be shocked by how much what you eat and drink drives your anxiety. It really does start in the gut.”

Twitter post

“If you’re motivated to achieve a goal, but still struggling, odds are you need to get religious about using routines to make your progress automatic.

Bo*by trap your life for success. Same bed time every night. Gym clothes next to the bed. Eat prescheduled items at predetermined times. Work at same time, same place. Do important things first. Etc. etc.”

Twitter post

“If you’re trying to solve an important problem, judge your solution by its measurable progress, not how it sounds on paper.”

Twitter post

“It’s important to understand that most people fail. That’s why you have to dial your effort up to 11.”

Twitter post

“It’s not the journey that matters, it’s the meaning you assign to it.”

Twitter post

“Listening to audiobooks is reading.”

Twitter post

“Meaning and purpose are requirements for a life well lived. Not because I say so, because your brain is wired that way.”

Twitter post

“My gut instinct is that having kids is the most certain path to meaning and purpose. Definitely not the only path though, so don’t let anyone shame you for your choice either way. But be very thoughtful about the need for a life of purpose.”

Twitter post

“My values are stable, but they’re not static. One of the best ways to grow is to evaluate your values and to carefully tend them.”

Twitter post

“Some people do well in a 'sip test', but then fail when you 'drink the whole can'.”

Twitter post

“There are two ways to address a problem in your life:

1. Tell yourself a better story about the problem so it hurts less.
2. Actually address the root cause.

Most of us spend all of our time doing the first one.”

Twitter post

“There’s no such thing as a perfect life. No matter what you choose or what happens to you there is a way to assign meaning to it that will make it all worthwhile.”

Twitter post

“When new technology first arrives it’s super gimmicky, so people dismiss it. Then it matures and changes things.

Chart it’s trajectory if you’re a creator, and build for where it’s going, not where it is.”

Twitter post

“When two intelligent people look at each other and think “you’re an idiot” they either have different base assumptions about how the world works or conflicting values on how it should work.”

Twitter post

“Your frame of reference controls your entire life. Change it to change your life.”

Twitter post

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