Tommy Cooper Quotes Page 3


Best 65 Quotes by Tommy Cooper – Page 3 of 3

“Went to the corner shop - bought 4 corners.”

“Went to the paper shop - it had blown away.”

“What do you call an out-of-work jester? Nobody’s fool.”

“When I was a kid, I went to a psychiatrist for one of those aptitude tests. On the desk he put a pitchfork, a wrench, and a hammer and he said to the nurse: “If he grabs the pitchfork, he’ll become a farmer. If he grabs the wrench, he’ll be a mechanic, and if he takes the hammer, he’ll be a carpenter.” I grabbed the nurse!”

“You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen, it said 'Parking Fine.'”

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