Vadim Zeland Quotes Page 2


Best 80 Quotes by Vadim Zeland – Page 2 of 3

Reality Transurfing Quotes

“Moving towards your goal is like returning to the past when ice-cream was delicious, hope was bright and life was still joyful and promising. Do not despair – the past lies just ahead!”

Reality Transurfing

“No-one has the right to judge you. You have the right to be yourself.”

Reality Transurfing

“Once you have consciously accepted the possibility of failure do not think about failure or success, just move in the direction of your goal and set off just as you would if you were going to the newsagents to buy a paper. Success will be in the bag, and if for some reason it is not, then there is no cause for sorrow or regret. If you do not succeed the first time, you will succeed the next as long as you do not tear yourself apart over the initial failure.”

Reality Transurfing

“Orderliness needs to be mixed with a dose of reasonable disorder.”

Reality Transurfing

“Our thoughts have a direct impact on the events in our lives.”

Reality Transurfing

“People are often quick to criticize others for the very things they dislike in themselves. You have probably done the same thing yourself without being aware you were doing it.”

Reality Transurfing

“People assume it quite natural for there to be problems, but in reality, the number of problems a person experiences is reduced significantly when they lower their expectations and relax their attachment.”

Reality Transurfing

“People pull on a smile as if it were just another accessory. It might as well be a tie than a smile.”

Reality Transurfing

“Quantum physics is based on a number of unproven truths and postulates which cannot be proven because they serve as the basic starting point for a given field of knowledge.”

Reality Transurfing

“Reality moves unnoticeably in the alternatives space like the minute hand on a watch, but that does not mean it is not moving!”

Reality Transurfing

“Relax; release any fear or anxiety you may have been experiencing in connection with the issue, confident in the knowledge that the solution already exists. Let go. Quiet the chatter of the mind and contemplate the nature of emptiness.”

Reality Transurfing

“The choice of any dream scenario is not made by the desire, but by the firm attitude to get what you want. You do not think and do not want, you just have and act.”

Reality Transurfing

“The circumstances of a person’s life are not only created by their actions but also by the nature of their thoughts. If a person has a hostile attitude towards the world, they will find the world responds to them with the same. If a person constantly expresses dissatisfaction, they will find more and more reasons to be dissatisfied. If a person’s attitude to life is predominantly negative, the world will show them the worst side of its nature. Conversely, having a positive attitude is the most natural way to change your life for the better. People get what they choose. Like it or not, that is how life works.”

Reality Transurfing

“The future is a probability. In terms of ordinary experience, nothing exists there yet. It is virgin territory, planted by your feelings, thoughts and beliefs in the present. Present reality is nothing more than a past moment repeated enough times.”

Reality Transurfing

“The hardest role to play is the one where you play yourself and allow yourself to remove the mask and be yourself.”

Reality Transurfing

“The mind can only construct a new model of a house from the bricks of a previous design.”

Reality Transurfing

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“The mind is constantly generating thoughts and the voice of the heart is literally drowned out by the ‘thought-churn’ making it difficult to access intuitive knowledge. If you stop the train of thoughts and simply contemplate the emptiness, you will hear the rustle of the morning stars, the inner voice that has no words. The heart could provide answers to many of our questions if only we could hear its voice.”

Reality Transurfing

“The notion of coincidence is merely a special way of perceiving an effect in the absence of detailed information relating to the cause.”

Reality Transurfing

“The number of alternatives is infinite just like the number of possible 'points on a coordinate graph is infinite. In the alternatives space is written everything that was, is, or ever will be. Under certain conditions, a person’s thought energy can materialise a given sector of the alternatives space.”

Reality Transurfing

“The objective observer always has the advantage over a direct participant.”

Reality Transurfing

“The reason the work of a genius appeals to you so much is because these creative works are born of the heart. What you choose to create will please others just the same, as long as it originates from the uniqueness of your soul. Everything that is ordinary and mediocre is created by the mind.”

Reality Transurfing

“There is a parable about a man who met God in heaven. God showed him his whole life path - the tracks showed that God had been walking to him all the time. However, the man saw the most difficult periods of his life, where there were only traces. Then he rebuked God: "Lord, when it was difficult for me, you forsook me!" To which God replied: "You're wrong, these are not your tracks, then I carried you in my arms.”

Reality Transurfing

“There is a well known parable about three blind men who describe an elephant by studying it with their hands. The first blind man touches the elephant’s trunk; the second touches the leg, and the third touches ear. Each draws conclusions about what kind of animal the elephant represents based on their own findings. It would be pointless to try and prove that only one description of the three is correct.”

Reality Transurfing

“This is one of the most paradoxical aspects of the freedom of choice. People really can choose happiness and success for themselves and yet at the same time remain restricted by pendulums that lead them away from the wave of fortune. Here we return to a theme we discussed earlier; to claim freedom of choice you must be independent. You have the right to be free of the influence of other people’s pendulums.”

Reality Transurfing

“To gain control over a large number of people you do not have to place them in containers with suction caps attached to their bodies like in the film “The Matrix”. It is enough to create an all-encompassing information network because then people will automatically take their places in its cells.”

Reality Transurfing

“To perceive your personal fulfilment in service to something or someone else, in helping the weak and defenceless, or in giving yourself fully to someone else’s vision or idea is nothing more than an illusion and self-deception. In the illusion the mind has been seriously gripped by a pendulum and sees its happiness exclusively in service to it. However hard the mind tries to convince itself that it has found happiness in service to other people or to some lofty idea, this person’s heart will be miserable and forced back into its box with no strength to even verbalise its rights to personal happiness. The conviction that another person’s idea is one’s own or that another person’s happiness represents one’s own fulfilment is a misconception held by people who have been unable to find their own goal, or perhaps have not even tried.”

Reality Transurfing

“Transurfing is a powerful technique aimed at giving you the power to create aspects of your life in a way that would ordinarily seem impossible; In particular, Transurfing will give you the power to control your own destiny as you see fit. I promise no miracles and yet something greater than a miracle awaits you. You will discover that the hidden quality of reality is more extraordinary than any mystic tradition.”

Reality Transurfing

“Unless you accept the possibility of defeat you will not eliminate desire.”

Reality Transurfing

“Variability is the world’s most fundamental quality.”

Reality Transurfing

“We all live in the same world and yet every individual moves along their own life line.”

Reality Transurfing

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