Vernon Howard Quotes Page 2


Best 77 Quotes by Vernon Howard – Page 2 of 3

“Learn to see things as they really are, not as we imagine they are.”

“Make it absolutely clear to yourself what you want from other people. That is really half the secret for drawing your desire to you in the shortest possible time and with the least amount of effort.”

“Make it your profitable habit to carefully study facial expressions. You can see the entire human drama in a face; you can tell its owner's history.”

“Never fear to deliberately walk through dark places, for that is how you reach the light on the other side.”

“Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.”

“People appreciate and follow the person who can persuade them properly. Make that person you.”

“Personal power gives you a sense of accomplishment. It enables you to live fully and zestfully. It provides you with a mature reason for liking yourself better. To state it another way, it is the mark of a healthy and well-adjusted individual to seek self-advancement by mastering his human relations.”

“Problems are cured by facing their cause.”

“Question the motives of those who make requests of you. Discover what they really want. You may not want to give it.”

“Quit thinking that you must halt before the barrier of inner negativity. You need not. You can crash through... whatever we see a negative state, that is where we can destroy it.”

“Remember above all that mental stability comes by examining the contents of the mind, not by avoidence.”

“Remember that cosmic fact and mental myth cannot occupy the same place at the same time, any more than two hands can occupy the same glove. So choose what is truly right for you.”

“Self-knowledge is the great power by which we comprehend and control our lives”

“Some folks hesitate to seize additional strength because they think it wrong or dangerous to be a powerful individual. Somehow they have acquired the false notion that tyranny or dictatorship or cruelty are the outcomes of a powerful personality. These characteristics are not power. They are weaknesses disguised as power.”

“Start your day in a upward direction, and the rest of the day will follow the uphill path.”

“Study carefully the law of cause and effect.”

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“Tell a man that he is putting on a stage performance in order to get what he wants, and he will irritably reject your observation. Why? Because most people go through life as cunning actors with a permanent horror of getting found out.”

“The best way to start doing something is to start doing something.”

“The fact is, everything we want or yearn for is won through other people. No man on an island is happy; he is merely existing. The joyous life is the one filled with rich relationships.”

“The following brief points are like magic moccasins. They guarantee safe guidance through the forest of people. To walk safely, wear them!

1. The most persuasive power you have toward others is a mature self.
2. The mark of greatness is to be superior without feeling superior.
3. The consciousness of being loved softens the keenest pang. – Joseph Addison
4. The turning point in all your exterior relations comes when you start changing your inner self.
5. Strong people attract the weak.
6. Possessiveness and dependency are not states of love.
7. Your own level of being attracts the kind of people who enter your life.
8. He is happy as well as great who needs neither to obey nor command in order to be something. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
9. Your True Self cannot be afraid of anyone.
10. You break the cord of painful thought toward another person by snipping the connection within your own mind.
11. It is very painful to pretend to be someone.
12. Any sincere effort at bettering your human relations returns a reward.
13. Don't drain your energy by thinking negatively toward people who harm you.
14. You get along with others to the exact degree that you get along with yourself.
15. A real person stands out like a human being among statues.”

“The following terms all mean one and the same thing: God, goodness, mental health, truth, decency, happiness, freedom, reality, peace, love, sensibleness.”

“The great solution to all human problems is individual inner transformation.”

“The terrible immoralities are the cunning ones hiding behind masks of morality, such as exploiting people while pretending to help them.”

“The true way of knowing yourself includes neither self-praise nor self-blame, but only a wise silence.”

“The truth, when it arrives is always different from what we thought it would be... If we imagine that we already know the truth, that imaginations based on old and habitual ideas. But the truth is always something entirely new to the mind; so we cannot possibly imagine it. Just as we cannot know what a new day is like before we experience it, we cannot think accurately about a new truth until we first live it. As we dare to drop our conditioned opinions, we make room for the truth...”

“There is great wisdom in asking, 'How can I get out of this?' There is even greater wisdom in asking, 'How did I get into this?'”

“To change what you get, you must change who you are.”

“Truth is not a matter of personal viewpoint.”

“Truth never pleads or compromises or wavers. It invites and awaits your acceptance.”

“We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.”

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