Vicki Robin Quotes


Best 60 Quotes by Vicki Robin – Page 1 of 2

“Life is too precious to be a spectator sport. We are no longer merely fans, rooting for the winning team. We are the team. We are the grown-ups. Whatever you believe is true, now is the time to give your respectful, inquisitive, and compassionate self to it.”

Blessing the Hands That Feed Us Quotes

“Everything in the community of life gives back 100 percent – except the humans.”

Blessing the Hands That Feed Us

Your Money or Your Life Quotes

“A 2015 US Federal Reserve Board report found that 47 percent of Americans would have to borrow money or sell something to cover a $400 emergency expense.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Along with racism and sexism, our society has a form of caste system based on what you do for money. We call that jobism, and it pervades our interactions with one another on the job, in social settings and even at home. Why else would we consider housewives second-class citizens? Or teachers lower status than doctors even though their desk-side manner with struggling students is far better than many doctors’ bedside manner with the ill and dying?”

Your Money or Your Life

“As civilized and advanced as we may have become, we still depend on breathable air, potable water, and fertile soil for our daily existence.”

Your Money or Your Life

“As people and as a planet we suffer from upward mobility and downward nobility.”

Your Money or Your Life

“As you take your eyes off the false prize (of more, better, and different stuff), you put them on the real prizes: friends, family, sharing, caring, learning, meeting challenges, intimacy, rest, and being present, connected, and respected. In other words, those best things in life that are free. Like all things natural, building this wealth takes time, attention, patience, and reciprocity (that volleying of giving and receiving that builds relationships).”

Your Money or Your Life

“But while the online education business has a very low bar entry — anyone can piece together a few web services and, voilà, have paying students — success is not a guarantee.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Consumption seems to be our favorite high, our nationally sanctioned addiction, the all-American form of substance abuse.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Could we choose to amend the rules of the game to create a society that values people over profits, life over pollution, mutual care over guns and prisons, vision over dysfunction?”

Your Money or Your Life

“Did we win the industrial revolution?”

Your Money or Your Life

“Endless desire is one of the pitfalls of human nature, and one of the first things you need to cure if you want to get ahead more quickly.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Find out how much money you have earned in your lifetime — the sum total of your gross income, from the first penny you ever earned to your most recent paycheck.”

Your Money or Your Life

“For so many people, the stronger the evidence of failed strategies, the deeper they cling to their ways.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Frugality is enjoying the virtue of getting good value for every minute of your life energy and from everything you have the use of.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Having more is an endless horizon, no matter how much you have.”

Your Money or Your Life

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“Women have a timeline, men don’t. But women who decide to have kids probably just have to take a bit longer before becoming FI. Within the FIRE community, there are people who have been able to do it with kids. You definitely have to be practical about it.”

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“He who knows he has enough is rich.”

Your Money or Your Life

“How you spend your money is how you vote on what exists in the world.”

Your Money or Your Life

“If you live for having it all, what you have is never enough.”

Your Money or Your Life

“If you were money, would you hang out with you?”

Your Money or Your Life

“In an environment of more is better, 'enough' is like the horizon — always receding. You lose the ability to identify that point of sufficiency at which you can choose to stop. This is a psychological cul-de-sac, an invisible catch-22 of the consumer myth of more. If more is better, then what I have is not enough.”

Your Money or Your Life

“In fact, we now meet most of our needs, wants, and desires through money. We buy everything from hope to happiness. We no longer live life. We consume it.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Instead of a dark box billionaire, you are probably hoping to become a lighthearted, productive, free person who just happens to never have to worry about money again.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Instead of leisure being simply 'relaxed activity', it was transformed into an opportunity for increased consumption — even consumption of leisure itself (as in travel and vacations).”

Your Money or Your Life

“It is easier to tell our therapist about our sex life than it is to tell our accountant about our finances.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Just as we can get caught in outmoded habit-patterns passed down through generations, we can also get trapped by our habitual thinking just as much as – and just as erroneously as — people who maintained until recently that the earth was visibly and verifiably flat. We also get stuck in unconscious and invisible boxes that limit our ability to think in new ways.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Learn to choose quality of life over standard of living.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Marketing theory says that people are driven by fear, by the promise of exclusivity, by guilt and greed, and by the need for approval. Advertising technology, armed with market research and sophisticated psychology, aims to throw us off balance emotionally — and then promises to resolve our discomfort with a product.”

Your Money or Your Life

“Money is not really the thing you’re after — after all, would you lock yourself in a dark, silent box forever in exchange for becoming a billionaire?”

Your Money or Your Life

“Money is something we choose to trade our life energy for.”

Your Money or Your Life

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