Warren Farrell Quotes


Best 58 Quotes by Warren Farrell – Page 1 of 2

“Ideally there should not be a men's movement but a gender transition movement; only the power of the women's movement necessitates the temporary corrective of a men's movement.”

“It is in the interests of both sexes to hear the other sex's experience of powerlessness.”

“The equivalent of a woman being treated as a sex object is a man being treated as a success object.”

“When a man is able to connect with his feelings, he is able to care more.”

“When women hold off from marrying men, we call it independence. When men hold off from marrying women, we call it fear of commitment.”

The Boy Crisis Quotes

“70 percent of firefighters and 80 percent of police officers are also obese or overweight.”

The Boy Crisis

“Although girls express their feelings more easily, what they receive most often from girlfriends and mom is reassurance.

Unlike boys, who are frequently challenged by their friends, girls are less likely to have anyone besides their dad to go to with the anticipation of being challenged by someone who has her best interest at heart.”

The Boy Crisis

Book of the Week

No More Mr Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life by Robert A. Glover


“At 9 years of age, children with father loss have significantly shorter telomeres.

Telomeres in our cells are what keep our genes from being deleted as our cells divide. As the National Academy of Sciences reports, telomere length in early life predicts lifespan.”

The Boy Crisis

“Children living with their dad felt positively about their mom; children living with their mom were more likely to think negatively of their dad.”

The Boy Crisis

“Even when race, education, income, and other socioeconomic factors are equal, living without dad doubled a child’s chance of dropping out of high school.”

The Boy Crisis

“Every day, 150 workers die from hazardous working conditions. And 92 percent are male.”

The Boy Crisis

“Fatherhood was about your dad trading in the old glint in his eye – what he loved to do – for the new glint in his eye: his love for you.”

The Boy Crisis

“If children live in separate homes, proximity to the other parent has been found to be the single most important factor determining a child's likelihood of success.”

The Boy Crisis

“If your son is heterosexual, then he discovers the harder it is to find a job, the harder it is to find a woman.”

The Boy Crisis

Book of the Week

No More Mr Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life by Robert A. Glover


“In a study of more than twelve thousand teenagers after divorce, children living with single dads fared better than children living with single moms.”

The Boy Crisis

“In brief, we spend billions to get from dads the money few of them have, and virtually nothing to allow dads to give the time they do have – the time their children need.”

The Boy Crisis

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“A winner is just a loser that tried one more time.”

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“In one generation, young men have gone from 61 percent of college degree recipients to a projected 39 percent; young women, from 39 percent to a projected 61 percent.”

The Boy Crisis

“In these ways, your son's economic health can dictate his ability to be loved, which makes his economic health inseparable from his mental health, and therefore his physical health. And few things affect his economic health more than his education.”

The Boy Crisis

“Peter's dad, Joe, had prepared his son to know that a certain amount of hazing is the price of admission for acceptance, not rejection.

The trading of wit-covered put-downs is boys and men training each other to handle criticism, unconsciously knowing that the ability to handle criticism is a prerequisite for success.”

The Boy Crisis

“Since dad is most at risk of being both bad-mouthed and less involved, lets look at three reasons bad-mouthing sin is in conflict with your child's best interest:

1. Your children grow up feeling, 'I hate who I am.'
2. Your children fear that 'loving dad is betraying mom.'
3. Bad-mouthing undermines dad's motivation to invest money and time in the bank of love and to become responible in response to the hope for love.”

The Boy Crisis

“The best parent is both parents, means mommy is no substitute for daddy, money is not substitute for daddy, and another man is no substitute for daddy.

Just as daddy is no substitute for mommy, money is no substitute for mommy, and another woman is no substitute for mommy.

Divorce does not change that. The best parent is still both parents.”

The Boy Crisis

Book of the Week

No More Mr Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life by Robert A. Glover


“The boy crisis' primary cause is dad-deprived boys. Dad deprivation stems primarily from a lack of father involvement, and secondarily from devaluing what a father contributes when he is involved.”

The Boy Crisis

“The discipline of postponing gratification is the single most important discipline your son needs.”

The Boy Crisis

“The male-female pay gap is not a gap between men and women; it is a gap between moms and dads. Or more precisely, between men and women's work-life decisions when they become moms and dads.”

The Boy Crisis

“The problem? There has been no parallel effort to help our sons become multipurpose men. The female-only scholarships and affirmative action for our daughters to enter the STEM professions is not matched by the male-only scholarships and affirmative action for our sons to enter the 'caring professions' – elementary school teachers, social workers, nurses, dental hygienists, marriage and family therapists, or becoming a full-time dad.”

The Boy Crisis

“Three out of four women say they would not date an unemployed man. In contrast, for two-thirds of men, dating an unemployed woman is a nonissue.”

The Boy Crisis

“Three-quarters of dads who were in South Carolina jails for being behind in child support payments suffer from extreme poverty. And one-eighth of all South Carolina inmates are in jail for being behind in child support payments.

No dad is imprisoned for not spending enough time with his children. And it is rare for a mom to go to jail for preventing dad from spending enough time with his children.”

The Boy Crisis

“When male vervet monkeys fight in their wars with other groups of monkeys to protect their territory or to get food, female monkeys reward the best surviving 'warriors' by grooming them.

The social status of these warrior monkeys goes up, and therefore more female vervet monkeys want to mate with them. In contrast, the female monkeys ignore and 'snap' at the male monkeys who abstain from battle.”

The Boy Crisis

Book of the Week

No More Mr Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life by Robert A. Glover


“Your son is more likely to seek a job in a sector that is being increasingly outsourced overseas – as with computer technology and manufacturing, as well as online jobs.

Your daughter is more likely to hold jobs in stable sectors that are more recession proof, like health and education, both of which are 75 percent women.”

The Boy Crisis

The Myth of Male Power Quotes

“Are women inherently less warlike than men? Throughout history, women in power have used a rationale similar to men’s to send men to death with similar frequency and in similar numbers.

For example, the drink Bloody Mary was named after Mary Tudor (Queen Mary I), who burned 300 Protestants at the stake; when Henry VIII’s daughter, Elizabeth I, ascended to the throne, she mercilessly raped, burned, and pillaged Ireland at a time when Ireland was called the Isle of Saints and Scholars.

When a Roman king died, his widow sent 80,000 men to their deaths. If Columbus was an exploiter, we must remember that Queen Isabella helped to send him.”

The Myth of Male Power

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“This is why arranged marriages were practiced for so long.

Women are terrible when it comes to selecting men on their own. They need their father involved in the process to ensure a dutiful husband that can support her.

Why? Because if he doesn't he's responsible for her financially until she finds a husband.

Aren't checks and balances a beautiful thing?”

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