William Buhlman Quotes


Best 51 Quotes by William Buhlman – Page 1 of 2

“We are not physical beings. Many people lose this and become obsessed with the physical nature of reality and they forget we are only visitors here.

Some people might find this shocking, but we’re not humans either. We are conscious energy using form for our experience.”

Adventures in the Afterlife Quotes

“As long as humans follow the dictates of the mind they will remain separated from their spiritual essence and continue to be manipulated.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

“Be aware, the content and focus of your prevailing thoughts is critical to the result you experience.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

“Humans are well known for weaving intricate webs of thought and then ensnaring themselves in their own creations. Our universe functions as a powerful energy mirror.

With every focused thought you are broadcasting waves of creative energy into your immediate environment. Few realize that their thoughts have a powerful impact upon the subtle energies around them.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

“Many humans remain obsessed with the existence of hell. Their concepts are often primitive and heavily influenced by their religions.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

“Souls create their own heaven or hell by the way they manage their thoughts.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

“Spiritual stagnation is the real hell. As long as souls believe they are a human body, they will continue to imprison themselves in the outer dimensions of the universe.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“The death of our physical bodies is just the beginning of our ongoing education into other dimensional realities.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

“When you take complete responsibility for your thoughts and actions and embrace your natural ability to create your reality, all things are possible.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

“Your thoughts shape and mold the energy around you. You hold the power of creation in every thought.”

Adventures in the Afterlife

Exploring Out of Body Experiences Quotes

“As we move inward, one of the powerful things I’ve found is that we have the power to obtain the answers to the big questions, the answers to the really important ones, like 'What are we?', 'Where did we come from?', 'Where are we going?', 'What is our purpose?'

These questions are available. As you move inward, you begin to connect with the more expansive part of ourselves, and this is where the answers are found, because this is where we truly reside as pure consciousness. This is where we’re far more expansive than in the physical body.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“Based on out-of-body experiences and a lot of research, everybody leaves their body when they fall asleep. I’ve observed this, and many others have.

When people fall asleep, they’re actually beginning to separate from their body, their denser energy body — or what many people call the astral body.

They’re actually beginning to separate; they’re actually moving out of sync with their physical body during sleep, and you can observe this during an out-of-body experience.

I’ve done this; it almost looks like a double image. I’m not saying that they float up to the ceiling, but they’re floating out of sync with their bodies.

All six and a half billion of us are doing this every night; we’re floating about three inches or so out of sync. So in a sense, all of us are having an out-of-body experience every night. It’s just not fully understood yet.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“I do believe that our travels in the outer dimensions change how we act in the physical world? I think it has to change it, because we’re gaining more knowledge about what we are.

And as we grow in our knowledge, I think we grow in our ethics, we grow in our understanding, we grow in our empathy, because we understand how tough this evolutionary process is, because we’re actually seeing it from the inside.

We’re seeing a broader spectrum of what each of us must travel through to evolve on our path.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“I don’t discount the importance of the physical body; I like to make that very clear. We have incarnated here because we have work to do.

There is no doubt that this is a training ground of consciousness, and that there’s valid, important work that must be done here that cannot be in any way sidestepped. The importance of out-of-body experience is just to enhance that.

I am very active in the physical world. I have a family, I have a business, I have a lot of things going on. It doesn’t detract; it adds, because it gives me a broader perspective of what’s truly important.

I feel that as you obtain more knowledge about yourself, then your priorities are changing. Then you truly see what’s important, and you’re not so caught up in the minutiae of the physical world, or 'all the illusions', as the Buddhists would say. You see the illusions for what they are, so you become more expansive, and you become, I think, actually more effective.

Now everyone is different, but I like to emphasize that I do feel strongly that the physical world cannot be in any way thought of as a secondary adventure. This is still our prime event.

When we entered the physical world, we were brave explorers, and this is our prime learning ground. All the other learning grounds are just in addition to it. I think that’s the focus.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“I don’t perceive out-of-body experiences to be anything like a lucid dream. Lucid dreaming is, in a sense, a low-powered OBE in one aspect. It’s a portion.

During an out-of-body experience, it’s a real reality going on. Your I-ness, your entire presence, is there. You are as there as we are here. Reality doesn’t just change in shape at a whim.

At the beginning, you are often in a room just like this, with all the three-dimensional trappings. You’re just observing it from a different angle. It’s radically different from a lucid dream.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“I don’t trust the outer form of anything that I encounter, because everything is created by thought. We have to be very discerning about all the information we receive, and there’s various techniques that we can use to absolutely know that we are getting the correct information and not some facade.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

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“I enjoy that temporary state of paralysis, because I know that’s a launch pad for OBEs.

I surrender completely to it, and that’s what works. You surrender, because you’re transferring your awareness. You have to let go of the physical.

The paralysis state that many people are so afraid of is actually a very natural state of consciousness. Same thing for the vibrations, and all this is part of the vibrational state.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“I have no fear of death because I know it’s a facade. I know I don’t die. I know for a fact, because I’ve been out of my body thousands of times. I know this is just a vehicle of consciousness.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“I look at the world in kind of the reverse of how many people do. This is the exploration, in the body, because this is not our home. No matter what you believe or don’t believe, we’re all on this inward journey beyond our bodies.

It doesn’t matter what belief system you adopt. We’re all leaving our bodies. We’re all going to step beyond this facade, so wouldn’t it make sense for all of us to know what this process is, since this is the journey, the universal journey of all of us?”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“I perceive the entire physical world to be the epidermis layer of the universe. I know from my own out-of-body experiences that there’s countless realities, subtle realities that exist inwardly, and that as we have an out-of-body experience, we’re actually moving inward into the universe, and we’re experiencing these other realities that exist.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“I perceive the physical body as a vehicle of consciousness that we use to learn and grow and explore the physical world, because all of us are explorers, because this isn’t our natural habitat!

We’re only here for a temporary period of time, so each of us is essentially, when we enter a body, we have become explorers, entering this dense body.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“One of the great benefits is your fear of death, of course, disappears.

In all the people that I’ve ever met that have had out-of-body experiences, there’s no fear of death.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“One of the things I’ve found is that, during the transition we call death, people will assume the self-identity that they have of themselves. In other words, before an incarnation, my mother will still continue to be Laura, my mother. She’ll just be a younger version of that.

After that incarnation, when she decides to make her next incarnation, she will take the form of a new personality. It could be a new sex, could be a new culture. It doesn’t matter.

Then she’ll adapt to that, and she’ll conform to that. Her energy body will mold, actually, to that new personality.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“Out-of-body experience does take dedication. It takes daily practice. There are no shortcuts. I’m not saying it’s easy; I never have said it was easy.

But I know it’s very direct and powerful; I know it works for me and works for tens of thousands of other people. But it’s not for everyone, and I’ll be the first to share that.

It takes a certain person to, let’s just say, to be free enough or courageous enough to be able to explore beyond their physical limits.

Again, it’s not a point of being easy. It’s a point of it’s available and it will be — some people it will resonate with, because it’s active.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“The physical world is like the skin of an apple, because when you leave your body or have an out-of-body experience, you’re actually moving inward into the universe, into a finer vibratory level of reality, and you’re experiencing your finer vibratory energy body.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“The vibrational state is essentially the prelude to an OBE that 80 percent of people experience, according to my research.

It is powerful; it’s abrupt. It’s shocking for people. Suddenly you’re paralyzed; you feel paralyzed, and there’s energy flows going through you.

There’s this electrical buzzing noise moving through you, or you’re being touched, or you feel like somebody’s trying to pull your legs, or you just feel a presence in the room or your name being called.

There’s over 50 different elements that make up the vibrational state. Essentially, anything strange that happens out of the norm during what we perceive as sleep is the vibrational state.

It’s the prelude that indicates that the transfer of consciousness is beginning, and for many people, it gets to be quite exciting.

You have to be prepared for it. You have to remain calm. You have to surrender.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“The whole idea of many out-of-body exploration techniques is to maintain your focus away from your body as you allow your body to just drift off.

The primary premise is, of course, that we go where our thoughts direct us, just as we do in the physical world, but in this case, you’re focusing 100 percent of your attention away from your body.

This initiates the out-of-body experience for many people, and it’s been proven to work for thousands and thousands of people.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“There’s no belief system attached to out-of-body exploration. There’s no philosophies. There’s no rules. It’s just: do it!

Have the experience, and then you determine your own personal viewpoint of what you experience.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“We are multidimensional beings. We are a microcosm of the universe, and we already have multiple energy bodies. The concept of body-mind-spirit is actually a very simplistic view of the universe.

I have found, from 40 years of my own experience, that we are already on every level of the universe. We already exist there in these multiple energy bodies.

What we are actually doing is transferring a portion of our consciousness from our physical body, to our subtle energy body, and we have this ability to do this and control it.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

“We are not human beings. We are consciousness in a human container.

The physical vehicle is such a temporary little facade that we use. It’s silly to get too attached to it.”

Exploring Out of Body Experiences

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