Wim Hof Quotes Page 3
Best 76 Quotes by Wim Hof – Page 3 of 3
The Wim Hof Method Quotes
“Don’t seek to change others; change yourself. Just mind your own mind and let others mind theirs. Show them who you are through your actions, through your conviction. Be clear and transparent, vulnerable.”
“If I cared what others thought of me, I would have stopped going a long time ago. I would have been eaten by the system. I just keep on. This is my mission.”
“If you engage too much in outside validation, you lose the path to yourself. You get off course. Self-love is being proud of yourself by your own lights.”
“Material things are external and have no bearing on the soul. You can only drive one car and occupy one room at a time. But if you seek happiness within your own being, in control over your own life-force, mind, and purpose, nothing else matters. You can be happy unconditionally. That’s the kind of happiness I want to give to the people I love because it comes from within. It’s already there.”
“The best thing you can do for your skin is to go into cold water — not shockingly, but gradually; I’m sixty-one years old, and I still have skin like a baby’s.”
“The greatest accomplishment you can achieve is stillness of the mind. It is only when your mind is still that you can go from external to internal programming. In the absence of thoughts, this stillness brings your feelings into alignment with your innermost being, reflecting the true self in a direct mirror.”
“The more often you take cold showers and the more accustomed you get to that initial shock, the more you begin to crave the sensation.”
“There is so much more to life than meets the eye if you choose to seek it. The seeker becomes the finder, the finder of so much more than we thought was possible.”
“We work harder and harder and stress ourselves out to achieve more and more, but to what end? So we can become lawyers and businesspeople? So we can make lots of money to buy a big house or a fancy car but that can’t buy us happiness or health? I saw too much of that misery, which is why I withdrew from that world a long time ago.”
“What is your best? Move toward that, not the best of your neighbors.”
“When we tackle the real terrorist – disease, physical and mental – we can guarantee happiness, strength, and health for ourselves and those we love.”
Twitter post Quotes
“Life is like a river.
The way of life is to flow with the current. To turn against it takes effort but the current will carry you if you let it.
Float with joy and ease.”
“The cold is a teacher. It’s merciless. You don’t picnic when you go into the cold. You don’t think about your mortgage or your kid’s braces or your divorce; you just survive. You reactivate the deepest part of your brain.”
“We have much more control than we think. But we have to expose the body to the natural elements, such as cold and heat, and take it out of its comfort zone. It’s positive stress. It makes the body and mind work.”
“You can be strong without thoughts, just existing in the stillness of the mind, well-nourished with the life-force, the blood flow, because your thinking brain isn’t dominating those resources. Breathe. Go out into the cold. Feel it. It will take you back into yourself.”
“You have to take a shower anyway, right? So, it’s very simple. Just end up cold. One minute or two, tops. And then, if you wish, after ten days (once your body has reconditioned itself) you can increase the exposure.”
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“If you decide you want to be happy, here are a few steps to help you get there.
1. Stop destructive avoidance patterns.
2. Start positive patterns.
3. Give to others.”