Wim Hof Quotes

Best 6 Becoming the Iceman Quotes by Wim Hof

Becoming the Iceman Quotes

“A conditioned mind can cause narrowed perception, especially when you only focus on one sense and rarely use the others. Also, it's not about simply using them; it's about forming your entire perception through those other senses. Subsequently, you can begin to see the world in a different light. Tom and I discovered this as we spoke during our progression through the canyon.”

Becoming the Iceman

“I've come to understand that if you want to learn something badly enough, you'll find a way to make it happen. Having the will to search and succeed is very important.”

Becoming the Iceman

“If you can learn how to use your mind, anything is possible.”

Becoming the Iceman

“Out of options, I tried something new. I tried to think my cramp away. Visualizing the part of my leg that was throbbing, I began to loosen that area in my mind. Soon enough, the muscle in my leg began to relax. For the first time ever, I realized that I could consciously think away a muscle cramp. I believe it was a direct result of knowing the body with my mind.”

Becoming the Iceman

“There is more than meets the eye and unless you are willing to experience new things, you'll never realize your full potential.”

Becoming the Iceman

“We can do more than what we think. It's a belief system that I have adopted and it has become my motto.”

Becoming the Iceman

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“Life is also busy transporting and overturning the soils of earth, the stones, and the minerals. The miles-long drifts of sea kelp that float along our coasts may carry hundreds of tons of volcanic boulders held in their roots. I have followed these streams of life over 300 km, and seen them strand on granite beaches, throwing their boulders up on a 9,000 year old pile of basalt, all the hundreds of tons of which were carried there by kelp.”

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